Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are you God's servant, or is He yours? (9/26/13)

Are you God's servant, or is He yours?

Thinking on the things of earth and focusing on material goals is being earthly minded. However, Kingdom thinking seeks God's will and purpose, aside from the cost to self!

There can be a subtle difference between seeing God as a means of obtaining our will and pleasures and seeing ourselves as a means of accomplishing God's Kingdom will. The latter is filled with eternal rewards and elevates God to His rightful place in our lives.

Today I ask you, are you God's servant or is He yours? Does your view of God lean toward the temporal side or are you thinking on the eternal side and wanting to fulfill the purposes of God?

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:1-3).

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stop protecting the enemy's work in your life! (9/22/13)

Stop protecting the enemy's work in your life!

Our thought patterns are greatly influenced by the way we are raised, our personal experiences and our culture. A little boy raised in a home with a stifling, overbearing mother may in turn have struggles trusting women. Likewise, a woman who lives with an abusive husband may fear men and shun the love of God.

These experiences, and the resulting thought patterns, are open doors for the devil to wreak havoc and chaos in our lives. He blinds us from seeing the way God would lead and drags us through dangerous and destructive doors by establishing strongholds in our thinking through unfortunate experiences and cultural norms.

Prejudices, hatred, unforgiveness...these are the result of strongholds. These are often means of self defense-but the defense is really protecting the stronghold and not the person-it's a protection of satan's territory in our lives. God is able to re-program and cleanse our thought processes by means of the washing of the water of the word (Eph 5:26). Even if we do not realize we have a stronghold, God will remove it if we are faithful to abide in Him and His word abides in us (John 15).

If we continually see relationships end in bitterness, get easily angered, feel as though we have to exhaust ourselves in an effort to win friendships.....these may be signs that there is something askew in our thinking process. These are just a few examples, but God can illuminate the root and resulting effect of a stronghold.

Bring your heart and mind as an open book before the Lord. Let the Lord examine you and release you from chains of the stronghold that has been established.

2Co 10:4-5a "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Time: a seed in your hands! (9/21/13)

Time: a seed in your hands!

"There is a time to every purpose under heaven" (Ecc 3:1). Seasons change and time marches on, however, time does not simply march on until, "PRESTO", an event occurs. Events and fulfillment of seasons generally take effort. As an example, weddings have a specific date on which they occur, but the preparation leading up to that event requires planning and finances to support it (in a typical American wedding).

If we spend our lives waiting for events or fulfillment of promises, we miss the purpose of waiting. Yes, there are periods where we need to be still, but there are also periods where we need to plow and work and grow before we reap the fulfillment of the promise in its season. These are times where God is preparing us to handle the promise once it manifests.

Additionally, looking only to an end result is like missing the joy of the journey and this can cause us to take the wrong road to get to a result. God is interested in perfecting and purifying us in the journey, but keeping our eyes focused only on the end result can leave a trail of destruction as we step over, or on top of, everything in our way to get to that end result. 

God's purposes in bringing His promise include learning to be patient and do things His way, especially as it relates to the lives of other people who we meet on the road to fulfillment.

Time is a seed which we plant. That seed dies to itself and is given over to God so that each day and week and month are allowed the proper actions and heart attitude to bring about God's fulfilled promise in His way. There is a season to work, a season to wait, a season to reap, a season to give....but cooperation with God is a necessity for the proper fulfillment of each season.

Gal 6:9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Circumstances: Vehicles for the Gospel (9/19/13)

Circumstances: Vehicles for the Gospel

There are times when a situation comes up that we have no control over. We're minding our own business, serving God and BAM!, we find ourselves in a prison of circumstances.

Paul knew how to get through this type of circumstance: he kept his eyes focused on God. He actually used these circumstances to advance the Kingdom of God by preaching the Gospel when he was in a tight spot. He had an 'eye' for those in need of salvation, healing, deliverance and love!

People thought they were putting chains on him to keep him imprisoned, but he was already chained to Christ as His eternal prisoner. There was no shipwreck or imprisonment or beating that could come to him without opening a door for the furtherance of the Gospel and the glory of God. Paul understood that the true prisoners were those who didn't know Christ so he allowed every circumstance to become an opportunity. Prison guards got saved, remote islands became mission fields and his beatings furthered the Truth of the Word as he miraculously rose from the pile of stones through God's healing power!

Paul's circumstances were simply vehicles which took him from one person who needed Christ to the next. They became his 'ride' to the next assignment. He is the ultimate example of serving God in turmoil yet in prayer and fastings and joy-keeping His eye on the prize!

God will further His purpose and His power and love cannot be contained! He came to Paul in Paul's most dire circumstances and delivered much of what we now call the New Testament. Allow your circumstances to be the vehicle for God's purposes to be accomplished!

Php 1:12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Thank you for noticing. Really, I'm humbled." (9/17/13)

Here is a telling statement from the Word: Thus, whenever you give to the poor, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites in the synagogues and in the streets like to do, that they may be recognized and honored and praised by men. Truly I tell you, they have their reward in full already (Matt 6:2).

This concept, of showmanship stealing a reward, is repeated in Matt 6:5 and 6:16 concerning fasting and praying. What this speaks to is the motive of one's heart-are we doing the works of God for an 'atta boy' from man or in obedience to God for His glory? Those who 'performed' in this manner often carried horns with them which were blown at the accomplishment of their good deeds to draw accolades. Perhaps this is the source of the phrase "toot your own horn."

And what is this reward? That is the Lord's choice, but He has given many examples of possible rewards: a good measure will be poured into your bosom (Luke 6:38); you'll be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14:14); you shall receive an inheritance in the Lord.

Ultimately, the child of God seeks to please God and advance His Kingdom in love and generosity. We are given and in return are able to give and provide for others as a testimony of our God's great love and provision.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A perfectly placed stone! (9/16/13)

A perfectly placed stone!

We all live on the same time continuum-the line of time on which God has laid out the history of the World with its seasons and events. Knowing what was ordained beforehand and what would come to pass before time on earth began, He put you in just the right spot at just the right time. (Acts 17:26)

You have an assignment here and a connection to other members of the Body of Christ. You may be a support person for another or you may be a Paul in the Kingdom, but you are one of the living stones that strengthens the wall and enables the entire Body to function properly.

With this in mind we must move past jealousy and competitiveness. The Body cannot be climbing over itself to accomplish the purposes of God. Each of us will be fulfilled to the greatest degree of contentment when we are aligned with purpose of God and work to build up the rest of the Body.

Jealousy involves guarding what God has given, it walks in envy and rivalry and finds ways to draw attention to itself. Since God has put His anointing inside of each person, jealousy of anothers gift is equal to being jealous of God. How ridiculous does that sound?!?!

Advance the Kingdom of God both by developing God in you and encouraging and helping others move forward in their assignment. Be the living stone He made YOU to be-with Him as the Chief Cornerstone.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Some questions about words! (9/14/13)

"Keeping" you in prayer?

We are a society with many freedoms, one of which is speech. We talk with varied people throughout the day and can reach a multitude of other cultures simply by phone or internet.

As I've pondered this recently there have been a few thoughts that have stuck with me as conviction concerning my words:
1. Agreeing to 'keep you in prayer' is a serious commitment. To keep means to protect, preserve, watch over and guard. This phrase is not a cliche`
2. If angels hearken to the voice which speaks the word of God (Ps 103:21) what happens when words are spoken which are inspired by the devil?
3. Since Jesus was perfect and He spoke only what the Father told him to speak (Jn 12:50), how much does listening have to do with righteous speech?

Col 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Zeal or Fanaticism? (9/13/13)

God gives us purpose in life and the zeal and grace to fulfill it. Sometimes we see that zeal being used for a misguided purpose-in both the saved and unsaved.

Paul said in Gal 1:13 You have heard of my earlier career and former manner of life in the Jewish religion (Judaism), how I persecuted and abused the church of God furiously and extensively, and [with fanatical zeal did my best] to make havoc of it and destroy it.

Paul's zeal led him to fanatically destroy the Church of Jesus Christ, persecuting His followers, all the while genuinely believing he was doing God's work.

Misapplied zeal turns into fanaticism, has hyper-focus, pinpoints people for destruction and justifies the means, is unreasonable, has no desire for reconciliation and exalts self.

The zeal of the Lord is Spirit led-displaying the fruits of the spirit in love and grace yet with passion and endurance given by the Lord for His glory. Consider Paul's 'before' and 'after' zeal: immediately after his encounter with Jesus he began preaching the 'Good News' in the zeal of God!

Discern for yourself (and in yourself) between the zeal of the Lord and the zeal of the flesh through the enemy - is the "Good News" being spoken in all sincerity and grace?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Attention! Calling all Adversaries. (9/12/13)

Paul said he had an 'open door of opportunity' to minister in Ephesus, but immediately following that statement he said 'and there are many adversaries.' An open door is not a guarantee of 'happily ever after' in your life and work for the Lord!

When Nehemiah was ordained by God to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem there were adversaries all around. The builders carried a sword in one hand and worked on the wall with the other. Those who were not working on rebuilding served as armed guards. Nehemiah gave them the tools to both do the Lord's work and fight their enemies as they worked: "I said to the ...people, do not be afraid of the enemy; remember the Lord and imprint Him [on your minds], great and terrible, and [take from Him courage to] fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes." Neh 4:14

In this life we will have trouble-that includes adversaries prompted by the enemy of our souls and things within ourselves that keep the road from being smooth, even if the door of opportunity is wide open. Moving forward in God's plans will draw the adversaries attention.

Take courage! Fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, your homes! HE is greater in us than the enemy is in this world!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Missing peace. (9/10/13)

Missing peace!

2Co 13:11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

I find this to be an interesting scripture in light of Jesus words in John 14:27 :"my peace I leave you, my peace I give you." Can't we simply call for peace and have it come to us?

What Paul is saying, however, is somewhat progressive. First he tell us to be fully restored-to be complete and perfected in the knowledge and life of Christ. Following this he calls for encouragement (building up and strengthening the Body) and unity in Christ. This unity cannot come about without being in agreement in doctrine and having great love, patience and grace toward the other members of the Body.

Paul then gives the command to live in peace! How many of us look for peace and feel it has drifted away and we cannot find it? Here we are commanded to actively live peaceably: make the choice to put aside those things which create havoc and bring stress in relationships and life in general. This is the peace Jesus left us!

After all this Paul says that the "God of love and peace will be with you (accompany and participate)." If you want to draw the presence of God, cultivate and pursue peace! Peace is the fruit of righteousness-it comes as a result of actively living the righteous life of God as Paul directed: restoration, encouragement and unity.

All for His glory-the fruit of righteousness is peace!

Monday, September 9, 2013

The battle rages! Is it Us against Them? (9/9/13)

The battle rages! Is it Us and Them?

Are you on our side or theirs? This was Joshua's question to the 'man with a sword' who stood before him shortly before the battle of Jericho (Josh 5:13-14). And the angel of the Lord replied to him "NEITHER, I have come as the commander of the army of the Lord."

Though the Lord had guided the Israelites through the wilderness and was now taking them into the promised land, this was a reminder that the Lord was not following them, but they were following Him and His plan.

We know that God is 'for' us, however, in the bigger scheme of life, God's plan is what's being carried out and we are participants in it. Here is where we need to take care in the Lord not to choose people and sides of battles over seeking and serving God. Humans have a tendency to see disputes and battles as 'us and them' where God looks at the eternal perspective.

In the everyday life of the Christian we are not battling against flesh and blood-the battle is against principalities and powers behind flesh and blood which come against the Spirit of God in us (Eph 6). The way God directs us into battle is to arm ourselves entirely with His word, will and way-be completely aligned with Him!

Set your mind on eternal perspectives: be FOR God and focus on His eternal purposes rather than AGAINST flesh and blood. He will then have an open door to guide you into all righteousness and give you His victory-that is the only true victory!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pride, motives and relationships!

The Bible is the ultimate guide to relationships! As much as God desires for us to have undisturbed, faithful and pure relationship with Him, He also desires that we have the same with one another.
So what happens when difficulties trouble our relationships and strife puts a wedge between us?

This post has little space for a long discussion, but I believe there is one major key to the beginning of restoration in these situations: examining one's self before the Lord through the Holy Spirit!

Allow the Lord to show where strongholds in thinking processes have taken place in you. Let Him guide your own heart into all Truth, revealing pride and motives within you. Where these sins exist they separate us from God-these must be removed before clear understanding can come.

Pride-proof your heart in the Lord, then He can freely direct the healing of your relationships as much as it depends on you.

Psa 26:2 Examine (test and investigate) me, O Lord, and prove me; test my heart and my mind.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Forceful people take hold of it! (9/3/13)

Choosing God is rejecting the way of the flesh and it's often a severe battle. Reading the Old Testament shows us that man is unable to control himself to righteous living...Jesus is the one person on earth that did it! We need the help of the Spirit-every day all day long-to live for the Lord from the inside out.

Paul said he reached forth (stretched himself) and pressed toward (fleeing the past and passionately pursuing) Godliness (Php 3:13-14)! What's needed is a violent rejection of the ways of the enemy of our souls and a forceful breakthrough into the ways of God-coming from the Spirit within us.

Determine to leave no Spirit-directed weapon unused in your arsenal: prayer, fasting, worship, giving, fellowship, forcefully pursuing and following God.

Mat 11:12 Since the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven has been advancing with force. And forceful people are taking hold of it.

Monday, September 2, 2013

What's your domain? (9/2/13)

Kids who throw temper tantrums in Walmart seem to be crying out for a parent's guidance and even if I'm not the parent it's hard to resist putting things in order. For the most part, all I can do is walk away because those children are not under my authority.

Paul was told to walk away when he wanted to preach the word in Asia (Acts 16:6) and women are told to be subject only to their OWN husbands (Eph 5:22). A common thread in these scriptures is boundaries: staying within our God given sphere of authority (or influence).

Paul speaks of this in 2 Cor 10: in the Lord he was given a sphere of influence or domain, and he was not to step out of that domain because that is where his God given authority was to be used. Inside the domain God's given you are your assignments and God's provision, fellowship and reward. Know your domain-this will also protect you from conflicts and exhausting yourself on behalf of someone elses assignment.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

God or Culture? (8/31/13)

The body in which we live is the physical tool on earth for the work of the Lord and His glory. Take care of it, but see it as it is: the bus that takes us through this life for the purposes of God.

This is the same for wealth and fame and abilities-they are tools to use on this earth for the glory of God. Take care to keep this focus because our culture has this completely upside down-seeing these things as the measure of a man and giving glory to each man accordingly.

Php 3:3 For we [Christians]... worship God in spirit and by the Spirit of God and exult and glory and pride ourselves in Jesus Christ, and put no confidence or dependence [on what we are] in the flesh and on outward privileges and physical advantages and external appearances.