Monday, September 9, 2013

The battle rages! Is it Us against Them? (9/9/13)

The battle rages! Is it Us and Them?

Are you on our side or theirs? This was Joshua's question to the 'man with a sword' who stood before him shortly before the battle of Jericho (Josh 5:13-14). And the angel of the Lord replied to him "NEITHER, I have come as the commander of the army of the Lord."

Though the Lord had guided the Israelites through the wilderness and was now taking them into the promised land, this was a reminder that the Lord was not following them, but they were following Him and His plan.

We know that God is 'for' us, however, in the bigger scheme of life, God's plan is what's being carried out and we are participants in it. Here is where we need to take care in the Lord not to choose people and sides of battles over seeking and serving God. Humans have a tendency to see disputes and battles as 'us and them' where God looks at the eternal perspective.

In the everyday life of the Christian we are not battling against flesh and blood-the battle is against principalities and powers behind flesh and blood which come against the Spirit of God in us (Eph 6). The way God directs us into battle is to arm ourselves entirely with His word, will and way-be completely aligned with Him!

Set your mind on eternal perspectives: be FOR God and focus on His eternal purposes rather than AGAINST flesh and blood. He will then have an open door to guide you into all righteousness and give you His victory-that is the only true victory!

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