Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Forceful people take hold of it! (9/3/13)

Choosing God is rejecting the way of the flesh and it's often a severe battle. Reading the Old Testament shows us that man is unable to control himself to righteous living...Jesus is the one person on earth that did it! We need the help of the Spirit-every day all day long-to live for the Lord from the inside out.

Paul said he reached forth (stretched himself) and pressed toward (fleeing the past and passionately pursuing) Godliness (Php 3:13-14)! What's needed is a violent rejection of the ways of the enemy of our souls and a forceful breakthrough into the ways of God-coming from the Spirit within us.

Determine to leave no Spirit-directed weapon unused in your arsenal: prayer, fasting, worship, giving, fellowship, self-sacrifice...in forcefully pursuing and following God.

Mat 11:12 Since the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven has been advancing with force. And forceful people are taking hold of it.

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