Saturday, September 14, 2013

Some questions about words! (9/14/13)

"Keeping" you in prayer?

We are a society with many freedoms, one of which is speech. We talk with varied people throughout the day and can reach a multitude of other cultures simply by phone or internet.

As I've pondered this recently there have been a few thoughts that have stuck with me as conviction concerning my words:
1. Agreeing to 'keep you in prayer' is a serious commitment. To keep means to protect, preserve, watch over and guard. This phrase is not a cliche`
2. If angels hearken to the voice which speaks the word of God (Ps 103:21) what happens when words are spoken which are inspired by the devil?
3. Since Jesus was perfect and He spoke only what the Father told him to speak (Jn 12:50), how much does listening have to do with righteous speech?

Col 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

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