Friday, September 13, 2013

Zeal or Fanaticism? (9/13/13)

God gives us purpose in life and the zeal and grace to fulfill it. Sometimes we see that zeal being used for a misguided purpose-in both the saved and unsaved.

Paul said in Gal 1:13 You have heard of my earlier career and former manner of life in the Jewish religion (Judaism), how I persecuted and abused the church of God furiously and extensively, and [with fanatical zeal did my best] to make havoc of it and destroy it.

Paul's zeal led him to fanatically destroy the Church of Jesus Christ, persecuting His followers, all the while genuinely believing he was doing God's work.

Misapplied zeal turns into fanaticism, has hyper-focus, pinpoints people for destruction and justifies the means, is unreasonable, has no desire for reconciliation and exalts self.

The zeal of the Lord is Spirit led-displaying the fruits of the spirit in love and grace yet with passion and endurance given by the Lord for His glory. Consider Paul's 'before' and 'after' zeal: immediately after his encounter with Jesus he began preaching the 'Good News' in the zeal of God!

Discern for yourself (and in yourself) between the zeal of the Lord and the zeal of the flesh through the enemy - is the "Good News" being spoken in all sincerity and grace?

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