Monday, September 16, 2013

A perfectly placed stone! (9/16/13)

A perfectly placed stone!

We all live on the same time continuum-the line of time on which God has laid out the history of the World with its seasons and events. Knowing what was ordained beforehand and what would come to pass before time on earth began, He put you in just the right spot at just the right time. (Acts 17:26)

You have an assignment here and a connection to other members of the Body of Christ. You may be a support person for another or you may be a Paul in the Kingdom, but you are one of the living stones that strengthens the wall and enables the entire Body to function properly.

With this in mind we must move past jealousy and competitiveness. The Body cannot be climbing over itself to accomplish the purposes of God. Each of us will be fulfilled to the greatest degree of contentment when we are aligned with purpose of God and work to build up the rest of the Body.

Jealousy involves guarding what God has given, it walks in envy and rivalry and finds ways to draw attention to itself. Since God has put His anointing inside of each person, jealousy of anothers gift is equal to being jealous of God. How ridiculous does that sound?!?!

Advance the Kingdom of God both by developing God in you and encouraging and helping others move forward in their assignment. Be the living stone He made YOU to be-with Him as the Chief Cornerstone.

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