Thursday, September 19, 2013

Circumstances: Vehicles for the Gospel (9/19/13)

Circumstances: Vehicles for the Gospel

There are times when a situation comes up that we have no control over. We're minding our own business, serving God and BAM!, we find ourselves in a prison of circumstances.

Paul knew how to get through this type of circumstance: he kept his eyes focused on God. He actually used these circumstances to advance the Kingdom of God by preaching the Gospel when he was in a tight spot. He had an 'eye' for those in need of salvation, healing, deliverance and love!

People thought they were putting chains on him to keep him imprisoned, but he was already chained to Christ as His eternal prisoner. There was no shipwreck or imprisonment or beating that could come to him without opening a door for the furtherance of the Gospel and the glory of God. Paul understood that the true prisoners were those who didn't know Christ so he allowed every circumstance to become an opportunity. Prison guards got saved, remote islands became mission fields and his beatings furthered the Truth of the Word as he miraculously rose from the pile of stones through God's healing power!

Paul's circumstances were simply vehicles which took him from one person who needed Christ to the next. They became his 'ride' to the next assignment. He is the ultimate example of serving God in turmoil yet in prayer and fastings and joy-keeping His eye on the prize!

God will further His purpose and His power and love cannot be contained! He came to Paul in Paul's most dire circumstances and delivered much of what we now call the New Testament. Allow your circumstances to be the vehicle for God's purposes to be accomplished!

Php 1:12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.


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