Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stop protecting the enemy's work in your life! (9/22/13)

Stop protecting the enemy's work in your life!

Our thought patterns are greatly influenced by the way we are raised, our personal experiences and our culture. A little boy raised in a home with a stifling, overbearing mother may in turn have struggles trusting women. Likewise, a woman who lives with an abusive husband may fear men and shun the love of God.

These experiences, and the resulting thought patterns, are open doors for the devil to wreak havoc and chaos in our lives. He blinds us from seeing the way God would lead and drags us through dangerous and destructive doors by establishing strongholds in our thinking through unfortunate experiences and cultural norms.

Prejudices, hatred, unforgiveness...these are the result of strongholds. These are often means of self defense-but the defense is really protecting the stronghold and not the person-it's a protection of satan's territory in our lives. God is able to re-program and cleanse our thought processes by means of the washing of the water of the word (Eph 5:26). Even if we do not realize we have a stronghold, God will remove it if we are faithful to abide in Him and His word abides in us (John 15).

If we continually see relationships end in bitterness, get easily angered, feel as though we have to exhaust ourselves in an effort to win friendships.....these may be signs that there is something askew in our thinking process. These are just a few examples, but God can illuminate the root and resulting effect of a stronghold.

Bring your heart and mind as an open book before the Lord. Let the Lord examine you and release you from chains of the stronghold that has been established.

2Co 10:4-5a "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..."

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