Saturday, May 31, 2014

Authority Gone Wrong!

On a tour of a local paper company, I noticed wads of paper underneath a large storage rack. It seemed that human forms were indented into the paper, perhaps a dozen or so, lying in different positions. People were not actually lying there, of course, but they had been there at one point and had rested in those positions under the storage rack. In essence, they were sleeping on the job and had left the evidence behind.

Those workers had the authority to run the plant in their supervisor’s absence and had taken advantage of it. They were entrusted with representing his values, character and power but chose instead to use that authority for their own benefit.

This is similar to what we’ve been given as Christians in God’s Kingdom (Mark 13). He’s granted us full power and authority to care for His possessions and live productively until His return – and all of His assets are at our disposal for this purpose. But true authority is not simply declaring and commanding in the name of Jesus – it has a foundation of Godliness as its source of power. The seven sons of Sceva declared the name of Jesus over demons but they were beaten and abused when they did so. The name of Jesus carries authority only to those who live and walk with Him – displaying His character in this earth (Acts 19)!

Authority has been given us to act in Jesus’ stead: to display his character, walk in the same competency, rule with all diligence and love, apply His power as He would, and exert Godly influence over the world around us. We’re to watch the door of His house for His return and carry on the work of His kingdom. This is our life’s purpose – and each person fits into this purpose with a specific work which is part of the whole.

He is returning soon! Are we asleep on the job or wide awake, alert and ready? Have we given ourselves to walking in His authority – His character, His purposes, and as His representatives in His stead?

What evidence have you left behind?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are You Driven or Led? And Who's Benefiting?

“These men are servants of the Most High God! They announce to you the way of salvation!” (Acts 16)

Paul became so tired of hearing these words shouted in the shadows behind him that he delivered the demon possessed slave girl who followed them, blurting her message. But someone had been profiting from the spirit of divination operating through this girl – and those people were irate to learn that their benefits had been cut when Paul expelled the demon from her.

It’s not unusual to see someone else benefiting financially, or in some other way, from a stronghold in another person - even if it’s just an erroneous mind set and not a demonic possession. A simple example of this would be the person who is driven by compassionate giving but can’t seem to discern when the Lord is saying ‘open your hand and give’ and when the enemy is whispering ‘give, give, give.’ This compulsion to give will keep another stronghold living and active within the person who is a compulsive taker.

Scripture shows that compulsion is a sign of a stronghold. God gently leads and guides us, but the enemy gets behind us and shoves us - even if it’s a shove in the direction of something we’re gifted in. The enemy will even compel us to unspiritual obsession and captivation with the gift God’s given us, to the point that we consider ourselves the one person who ‘has it right’ or who needs to be heard or who needs no one to discern the use of our gift.

If we get free from the compulsion to give money, the obsession to earn approval by doing and doing and doing, the workaholic mindset, or any other obsession inspired by the enemy, someone stands to lose a benefit and that person might be very angry. However, allowing God to cleanse us from these strongholds will bring TRUE benefits in the long run, not worldly advantages with no Kingdom benefit.

We are Kingdom people and our activities must completely line up with Kingdom ideas. If we neglect our children or spouse to feed our compulsive behaviors we are not in balance with God’s will. We can check ourselves by focusing not just on one scripture to justify our behaviors, but accepting the whole counsel of God in the right balance.

May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear where we are being compelled and driven from behind instead of being led by the King of Kings for His benefit and glory!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

When You're About to Snap - Regaining Peace!

Philippians 4 tells us there are 4 simple things that will help us have God’s peace in the midst of tense and trying times. In fact, this scripture commands us to follow these things to get the outcome of peace that passes all human understanding. If God commands us to do something, then we are able and capable through His Spirit. We may have to try more than once but we can succeed at it or He wouldn’t call us to do it!

1. REJOICE IN THE LORD - Rejoicing is a prophetic decree - it lifts the name of God above both our circumstances and the thoughts that try to plague our minds and lead us in the direction of defeat.

The human mind can’t go in two different directions at once. If we’re counting to 10 we can’t say our ABC’s at the same time – the brain can only go down one road at a time. If we’re recounting the goodness of God it’s pretty difficult to think on the things the enemy is trying to defeat us with – especially because rejoicing involves spirit, soul and body. True rejoicing won’t leave your shoulders hanging while you pay lip service to God with a song of praise. Paul and Silas exclaimed the goodness of God and the excellence of His name while in prison because God’s excellence and goodness are constant no matter what our circumstances. The prison doors opened shortly after their rejoicing began!

2. LET YOUR MODERATION BE KNOWN TO ALL MEN –Be gentle and patient in your speech and actions. Don’t fly off the handle and release your frustrations and confusion on other people – take it before the Lord and let the Holy Spirit work on your heart. Be considerate and unselfish – even to the people the enemy may be using to bring about your trying circumstances.

3. BE CAREFUL FOR NOTHING – Let NO THING bring worry, fear or distraction to you. We are not overcome by fear and we do not shrink back, but we stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Who of you, by worrying, can add one inch to your stature so that you can tower over your enemy? Growth never comes by fretting, fear and worry. Anxiousness and distraction are works of the enemy and they have no place in the peace of God. They are like round pegs in square holes – they don’t fit in God’s plan for victory!

4. PRAY AND GIVE THANKS – Take your requests to God, cry out to Him and see Him as your source - not your boss or your pastor or your best friend. Mingle your prayers with a thankful heart, knowing that God never fails us or forsakes us. No one forsakes his own Body, and we are His Body.

And God's peace … which transcends all [human] understanding, shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Php 4:7).

Saturday, May 24, 2014

God Is Not "Good"

Mark 10 records the story of the rich young ruler who did all the things required by the law: he didn’t commit adultery, lie, covet or steal, he honored his parents and he followed the rest of the law perfectly. Such wonderful qualities must have brought him great peace in his heart and satisfaction in knowing that he was doing what God had called him to do…?!.

But this man’s heart wasn’t settled. Somehow he knew that there was more, and He sought out “The Good Master” to find out how to get that ‘something’ he was missing. He approached Jesus and let Him know he’d done everything required of him under the law and done it perfectly – just a little information to help Jesus give him a quick answer for his problem.

This man had a special measuring stick by which he measured himself and Jesus. He considered himself “good” because he kept the law and was an upright and civil man, and Jesus was the “Good Master” because He also followed the law and acted righteously. But Jesus corrected him very quickly on his perception of “good.” God is good because of His great love for us and His desire to be merciful and benefit us – not because He strives to be the perfect example of the fulfillment of the law as a testimony of His righteousness. This man had understood the letter of the law but not the heart of it: God desires mercy, not sacrifice as a means of appearing righteous.

So to drive the point home to the rich, young ruler, Jesus told him the “one thing” he needed to do was sell all he owned and give to those in need - to do good by sacrificially and mercifully benefiting others. Mark 10:21 records that Jesus looked compassionately on this man and had great love for him. The “one thing” He was asking the man to do would be the most difficult act of his life, but it would break the religious mindset off of him and reset his heart on God and true goodness.

“One thing” was needed to open up the Kingdom of God for this young man. One thing tipped the scales from the grips of works to the heart of God. Mary chose the “one thing” in Luke 10 and we must also choose the “one thing”: seeking and knowing the heart of God in life over striving in works which bring the appearance of righteousness.

Is there anything in your life that needs to be left behind? Is there anything that brings the appearance of “good” but leaves you feeling empty?

God’s great love and compassion are prompting you to choose the “one thing” today!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Get Rid of the "Elephant in Your Room"

Sometimes we become so used to something that once repelled us that we begin to feed that thing or allow it to live with us. Weight issues, family dynamics that are unhealthy, things that would make our lives better if we took care of them once and for all – how do these wind up on the 'someday I’ll get to it' pile?

Perhaps there was even a time when the answer to these problems came as an 'ah ha' moment or revelation from God, and we had great excitement about the solution. Or maybe we made a try at getting that thing resolved and failed - so now we have just decided that life will be lived with that problem in it - like a big elephant in the middle of the living room.

“Failing” at something is not trying over and over and over again without accomplishing that thing – it’s making the decision that we won’t work anymore at getting it resolved. But we are not failures – we are conquerors through Christ! We may have to take that elephant one piece at a time, but if we chip away at it, it will eventually get smaller and disappear.

In fact, trying to resolve all of it at once may not be God’s way of doing it. When the Israelites were conquering the promised land (and note that they had to conquer it, God didn’t hand it to them), God told them to take it little by little. He was there to work with them in driving out its inhabitants, but He wanted them to do it step by step so the ‘beasts’ didn’t overcome them in their striving to 'enter in' (Exodus 23). If they became discouraged and tired by trying to push too hard to conquer, they would make themselves vulnerable and their adversaries would beat them down.

God told then “if you work with me, we will take this elephant one chunk at a time, and then you will fully take possession of the promised land.” God’s still saying that today – He’s still working with us to get us to the land of promise, peace and victory on this side of heaven.

Take the ‘beast’ one step at a time. Be patient. Get victory over the first step before you take the second – and do your happy dance each step of the way, celebrating every “small” victory. There will be a time when you look back and see that the elephant is gone and you are the inhabitant of God’s promised land!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to Increase in Kingdom Power!

When the disciples and Jesus gathered in the upper room before His death, Jesus reiterated the importance of humbly serving others as He washed the disciple’s feet. The Son of God was about to die for the entire world and instead of expounding on their individual ministry ‘plans’ or dividing the money bag, He washed the disciples feet. The final message He wanted them to have before His death was shown by this foot washing example: humbly serve others with the power God’s given you!

Peter struggled with the idea of Jesus bowing before him and washing his feet – this wasn’t the customary view of leadership he’d seen in the Pharisees and Sadducees. But Jesus said “those who want to be first shall be last and shall be a servant of all (Mark 9:35).” In other words, those who truly lead aren’t the ones who tower over others with a demand for submission, but they are those who submerse themselves in the lives and needs of others through the power God’s given them to extend His grace.

Jesus said “I came not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45).” Jesus knew that people were beaten down and dominated by the world and religious systems and He didn’t come here to be one more overbearing and controlling authority figure in their lives. He brought the love and compassion of God to people, freeing them from captivity and prompting them to repentance and a heartfelt willingness to humbly serve the King.

If the disciples could catch the lesson Jesus was giving them, they’d be able to establish the Kingdom of God in purity and power! If they were willing to put aside self promotion and elevation, and humbly serve in the example He’d set, then power and authority on this earth would increase without limit – the increase of His Kingdom would see no end.

We are those disciples - we are the servants of God whom He uses to increase His Kingdom on the earth. Humble service is the road on which this Kingdom is established. Be the road!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Power of a Holy Embrace

Jesus was immensely approachable - so much so that people swarmed Him, not just for His power, but for His loving touch. In Mark we see people running to Him simply to greet and embrace Him (Mk. 9), in Luke He beckoned the little ones to come to Him, enfolding them in His arms, and in Mark 41 compassion rose up in Jesus as He gently took the discolored and diseased hand of the leper into His own, embracing him with love.

An embrace or a loving touch establishes or increases trust and opens the heart of a person to further receive the love of God. Even medical science today has proven the emotional benefits of touch – some stating that ‘happy’ chemicals are released in the body through innocent, physical embrace, having positive health benefits (see Google Scholar). This is one reason why Judas’ betrayal of Jesus was so deeply cutting: he greeted Jesus in the garden with an embrace and a kiss - a sign of trust and love - as a signal to religious leaders that Jesus was the person he was betraying.

The Kingdom of God greatly depends on the touch of God by way of the touch of one person to another: the laying on of hands, the embrace of love, the tender holding of another’s hand. Today the Church is the living, physical touch of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God is the inspiration for that touch.

As part of a touch we pass on the ‘fire’ or ‘kindling’ of the Light of God, according to Vincent’s Word Studies (Mark 1:41). There’s more that passes between us in a hug than a nice pat on the back – the Spirit can release healing power, encouragement, peace, comfort, reassurance and the love of God - all with minimal contact.

Sometimes a word of wisdom isn’t needed, or a correction, or instruction. Sometimes a hug or a reassuring touch is the prescription that God has written for a situation – it’s the very thing that will kindle the fire of God and the light of His glory in our lives.

If you want to light the fire of God in someone, reach out and embrace them – and watch the Spirit move!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The "Inner Circle" Mindset

It's wonderful to have friends and those who encourage us and whom we encourage, but striving for 'inner circle' status to the exclusion of others creates division and sects in the Body of Christ. In fact, this will stop the operation of the Spirit of God in our midst because it squelches His love and humility from operating through us.

The disciples had this mindset at times. Though they loved God, and loved the Son, they guarded their 'positions' carefully and saw themselves as the experts in the things of God. They were so guarded that they tried to stop miracles from happening because the people performing them in Jesus' name weren't in their group (Mark 9:39).

But Jesus told them not to stop others from acting in His name – on the contrary, they were to encourage them. There was a time when the disciples didn’t understand that praying for others , driving out demons and performing miracles are done through a heart of service to others. They didn’t see that it’s the compassion of Christ that moves us to draw on His power, through faith, to extend healing and freedom to the sick and captives. They didn't grasp that this great grace and compassion of God requires more than 12 men from the ‘inner circle’ if it is is to cover the surface of the earth with His love.

Jesus said there are “many sheep” that we don’t know about (John 10); those whose hearts and minds are set on Him. They may not be in our inner circle or even agree with us entirely in doctrine. They may even be sitting within a small group of people in someone’s home, but they most likely are more concerned with glorifying Jesus Christ and loving others than impressing us.

There can be no exclusiveness in the Body of Christ. If we love and serve God, He will use us at His discretion to bring about His will. Those outside of our ‘inner circle, or those belonging to a different local body, are no less loved. Nor do we have the keys to the kingdom and they need to come to us to see God’ move – it’s to Christ we all must go – His heart is the ‘inner circle.’

If we let the character of Christ reign in our lives we will disregard exclusiveness and stop striving to show others how gifted or privileged or wise we are. We will have our eyes opened to see that God is doing great things amongst many different people and we alone do not house His glory.

Let it be so, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

When "I Am" Steps Into Your Boat!

Jesus instructed his disciples to get into the boat and row to the other side while He dismissed the 5000+ people He’d miraculously fed. Straining against ever increasing waves and winds, they rowed and toiled for hours but made it only half way across the 8 mile lake.

As the weather grew worse their hearts and minds became more troubled – they became like their surroundings - like the water that was disturbed and disquieted. To top off the weather conditions and their exhaustion, a ‘ghost’ suddenly appeared on the lake and immense fear overtook them.

But the ‘ghost’ was Jesus, and in spite of the waves and strong winds which had kept the disciples from crossing the lake, Jesus walked toward them. He was ready to pass by if there was no invitation to come into the boat (Mark 6:48) – but as they cried out He comforted and reassured them that “I Am” was with them. As Jesus stepped into the boat the winds ceased and the waves calmed down.

The Bible says the disciple’s hearts were hardened (Mark 6:52). They hadn’t considered and understood the miracle of the loaves – they simply saw that Jesus fed hungry people. So when trouble arose on the water they reasoned out of their fleshly needs and the turmoil of their surroundings: I’m hungry, I need a physical rescue, I’m exhausted …. I need a miracle.

It’s not the unbeliever that suffers with a hardened heart – but the believer who looks for provision without relationship, often twisting His Word and making it into a list of things that God is required to give us. The hardened heart expects God to ‘perform’ a miracle and make life easier and better – but disregards the opportunity to become Christ-like through intimacy with the Living God and His Word.

The heart that is soft and pliable in the hand of God will ponder His Word and His acts with great love and understanding – seeing His character behind the miracles He performs.

God wanted them to connect the provision He gave the 5000+ with His desire and ability to care for us and love us, and for us to trust Him in all circumstances. If they had done this their surroundings wouldn’t have overtaken them – they would have recognized that Jesus was in the boat with them before He ever physically stepped into it.

Is your heart hardened? Do you recognize that Jesus is already in the boat with you? Are you willing to see the great love behind His miraculous power and his desire for a deep relationship with you?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

When A Bad Situation Becomes "Normal"

Sometimes we can get so used to a bad situation that we accept it as ‘normal.’ That’s what happened with the people who lived in the region of the Gadarenes, where the demoniac dwelt amongst the tombs (Mark 15).

Everyone who lived there knew about this ‘strong man’ who screamed and cut himself and walked around naked. However, that didn’t stop the locals from grazing their pigs in nearby fields - perhaps they even stayed at a distance and watched this man’s actions as entertainment while they tended the swine. And just maybe this area had become ‘well known’ for this demoniac and he became the local ‘freak show’ which drew silent onlookers who hid from his sight – after all, this wouldn’t be much different than what’s seen in today’s video games or TV programs.

But when Jesus stepped out of the boat to the shore of the Gadarenes, He upset their ‘normal’ and delivered this man from the legions of demons who possessed him. The demons flew into a herd of nearby pigs and forced them over a cliff into the water below, drowning every one of them.

When the locals heard what happened they ran to investigate. They were so upset and shook by seeing the demoniac delivered, clothed, in his right might and sitting at Jesus feet that they became immensely afraid - it was shocking to them! They had become used to dealing with this man as a demoniac, it was their ‘normal,' but now that he was walking in God’s ‘normal’ they were overcome with fear. The killing of the swine became secondary to the deliverance of this man – this was what caused their immense fear and prompted them to ask Jesus to leave their area!

When we accept demonic activity, darkness and oppression as ‘normal’ and simply arrange our lives around it, we have lost sight of the power and goodness of God. When our situation becomes ‘livable’ because it’s the standard mode of operation for us, and we stop pressing into God to remove it, then we’re living amongst the tombs as ‘normal.’ When the move of God becomes something to fear, instead of being awe inspiring and praiseworthy, then perhaps we have accepted darkness as a way of life.

It’s time for a change – for a new ‘normal’ to overcome the darkness that we’ve become used to. Jesus stepped out of the boat to get to the Gadarenes. Are you willing to step out of the boat and allow Him to change your ‘normal?’ Are you willing to become the vessel which brings God’s ‘normal?’

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Devil's Anointing

Stirring trouble and finding fault will eventually backfire on us – God does not give an anointing for finding fault and bringing others into it with you. If you're bored get a job or go help someone in need - but don't look for opportunities to get into someone else's business.

Fault finding, finger pointing - these are born out of the devil's anointing. We, the people of God, are called to the ministry of restoration and reconciliation. People who continuously find fault will try to discern the motives and actions of other people through their own misconstrued ideas and motives. But the best way to find the motive of another person is to sit down and talk with him or her - if it’s your business to begin with. When we have to come face to face with another person we may be more reluctant to ridicule them through social media and the internet.

If you feel the need to point out someone else's sin it's better be born out of a heart of prayer and concern for that person (or that organization). The heart that focuses on exposing others as its motive, instead of restoring people to complete righteousness in God through His love and means, is looking for exaltation and attention to self. Someone who tries to get others to 'act' a certain way, without helping the misunderstandings inside of the person, has created a law of their own and wants others to fall under that law and stay in line with their ruler-ship.

Many people today are on a ‘holy crusade’ – looking to correct people as a means of reclaiming God’s Kingdom. But the Kingdom of God is within us – it doesn’t come by pushing and pulling and forcing others to line up with us. If that were the case we wouldn’t need the Spirit of God inside of us, just a physical weapon in hand and a little boost from the Spirit to physically overcome those we consider to be enemies of the cross – or perhaps enemies of our ideas.

This is a straight forward commentary - but it's much needed in many circles. It's a MUST that we question ourselves about our MOTIVES. Why are we feeling this, doing this, talking like this? Are we trying to win the favor of another person by lining up with their ideas? Are we trying to fix someone? Or has God moved on our hearts to pray and intercede for another person that they'd have complete restoration to Him and fullness of life in Him? Do we love that person with the heart of God? If we do, then our actions and words will show it – they will be born out of God’s motives.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Power Filled or Pew Warmer?

A demon possessed man began to cry out during Jesus sermon, trying to drown Him out. “What do you want with us? Leave us alone, Holy One of God,” they screeched through the man’s voice. “Be quiet!” Jesus said. “And come out of him.” Suddenly the man fell to the floor in convulsions as the demons fled from Jesus presence (Mark 6).

This man had attended the synagogue his entire life and never heard God’s word delivered with the power to free him. For years he’d fulfilled the religious requirements that ‘guaranteed’ his soul was saved, but he went home week after week with the same agonizing company of demonic spirits holding him captive.

This was the religion of Jesus’ day – a system of do’s and don’ts that gave false hope. But Jesus came to blow the cover off of false hope and bring Truth. He came to free every captive that is in any way bound or influenced by the lies of the enemy – and that is all of mankind.

People were ‘astonished’ at Jesus teaching – for the first time in their lives they felt loved, alive and empowered! Could this be the Christ?! The religious leaders watched nervously – afraid that something might break out in “their” service – they might lose control of the people and be powerless to rule their lives. They had worked so long and hard to create subservient pew warmers - was Jesus going to take that pleasure away from them now?

But it was too late – the people were awed and amazed at the power and freedom they felt in Jesus’ presence. He didn’t follow man’s protocol or tip toe around religious ceremony – He was there to bring freedom to the captives.

When Jesus opened the door to the synagogue that day he pulled down religious practices! Religion keeps us bound – but Jesus sets us free. Religion calls us to strive for position – but Jesus Christ brings freedom and anointing to do His works. Religion demands that we serve its master – but Jesus Christ came to serve and calls us to serve others.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Jesus Christ and upon His Body! God has anointed Him and His Body to set captives free –to proclaim liberty to captives and to open prison doors (Isaiah 61).

You are His Body – you are freedom to those who are captive – set them free by the power of God!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Authority to Trample Snakes!

I had a dream that a snake bit me-it intentionally jumped up, as though it had legs - and bit my calf. I was on the ground level of a building, doing a new work for the Lord, and the snake was lying in a trash heap I was sweeping. I thought it was dead when I first saw it and I paused for a moment to decide how to handle it….then it suddenly reached up - fangs out - and lunged at my leg. I had no fear of the snake, which fell to the ground and died, but I immediately noticed a small patch of swelling at the site of the bite. As I went on with my work in the Lord the swelling disappeared.

This dream reminded me that we are exposed when we step out in the Lord, and the enemy is lurking and waiting to attack. He would like to attach himself to us and deter us, especially when we’re ready to obediently extend love to others through the work God’s given us.

Every person in the Bible who sought to serve God wholeheartedly suffered attacks. In fact, Paul was bitten by a snake when he was shipwrecked on Island of Malta, but he shook off the snake and continued in his service to the Lord (Acts 28). Paul was not walking in disobedience or running from the Lord’s work; he was serving diligently when he was bitten. In the long run, surviving the snake bite with no ill effects turned out to be a blessing: the island’s inhabitants honored Paul and he was able to extend God’s healing to those who were sick.

Attacks will come – but our focus must be on God, not the works of the enemy. If we remain fully clothed in His armor (Eph 6) and constant in prayer He will bring strength and wisdom to press through every battle!

“Take hold of this: I have given you authority and power to trample upon snakes and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] above and beyond the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you” Luke 10:19 (paraphrased).

Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Itching Ears" Syndrome

Whether it be one of life’s painful situations, or desires in our lives that are not yet sanctified in Christ, we can develop itching ears. Itching ears long to be ‘scratched’ with words that falsely comfort us or justify our longings. They are created by desperation in the soul that turns the heart to things the Bible calls ‘fables’ (1 Tim. 4:4).

Fables are partial truths and cunningly devised schemes which lack the truth and power of God. When a fable is propagated, fragments of the word are gathered to create a doctrine that satisfies the longings of the soul: fragments that are very often taken out of context in order to satisfy the flesh.

We are most vulnerable to the ‘itching ear syndrome’ when we have unresolved hurts, great grief in life which we struggle to give over to God, or desires which have not been sanctified by the Spirit and the word. While the heart needs to be turned completely to the Lord for further sanctification and God’s strength to help us through difficulties, instead we settle for the easy way out, accepting a doctrine of self satisfaction.

Doctrines that please the flesh and line up with our own perception of God, instead of the God of the Bible, will bankrupt us in every way in the long run. Freedom comes from knowing the truth, but captivity comes with false doctrine – this is evident by looking at the lives of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Once desires are fulfilled through this false doctrine, the heart and mind shut out anything in the word of God which disagrees with that doctrine. This is the ‘in’ the enemy is looking for with false doctrine! He will subtly harden hearts from taking the whole counsel of God’s word, creating ‘new Biblical insights’ on a ‘higher plain’ to satisfy fleshly longings (more fables)!

Be a good Berean: honest and noble with the word of God. Rightly divide by the Spirit instead of by the desires of the flesh (Acts 17:11). Hold no offense toward the person who asks a question about your beliefs, but be ready to give an answer that will hold solid Biblical ground for your doctrine (1 Pet. 3:15).

It is to our advantage to read the word of God through His Spirit; allowing Him to reveal His truth instead of gathering data that serves to uphold our current doctrine.