When the disciples and Jesus gathered in the
upper room before His death, Jesus reiterated the importance of humbly
serving others as He washed the disciple’s feet. The Son of God was
about to die for the entire world and
instead of expounding on their individual ministry ‘plans’ or dividing
the money bag, He washed the disciples feet. The final message He wanted
them to have before His death was shown by this foot washing example:
humbly serve others with the power God’s given you!
struggled with the idea of Jesus bowing before him and washing his feet –
this wasn’t the customary view of leadership he’d seen in the Pharisees
and Sadducees. But Jesus said “those who want to be first shall be
last and shall be a servant of all (Mark 9:35).” In other words, those
who truly lead aren’t the ones who tower over others with a demand for
submission, but they are those who submerse themselves in the lives and
needs of others through the power God’s given them to extend His grace.
Jesus said “I came not to be served, but to serve (Mark 10:45).” Jesus
knew that people were beaten down and dominated by the world and
religious systems and He didn’t come here to be one more overbearing and
controlling authority figure in their lives. He brought the love and
compassion of God to people, freeing them from captivity and prompting
them to repentance and a heartfelt willingness to humbly serve the King.
If the disciples could catch the lesson Jesus was giving them, they’d
be able to establish the Kingdom of God in purity and power! If they
were willing to put aside self promotion and elevation, and humbly serve
in the example He’d set, then power and authority on this earth would
increase without limit – the increase of His Kingdom would see no end.
We are those disciples - we are the servants of God whom He uses to
increase His Kingdom on the earth. Humble service is the road on which
this Kingdom is established. Be the road!
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