Saturday, May 10, 2014

When A Bad Situation Becomes "Normal"

Sometimes we can get so used to a bad situation that we accept it as ‘normal.’ That’s what happened with the people who lived in the region of the Gadarenes, where the demoniac dwelt amongst the tombs (Mark 15).

Everyone who lived there knew about this ‘strong man’ who screamed and cut himself and walked around naked. However, that didn’t stop the locals from grazing their pigs in nearby fields - perhaps they even stayed at a distance and watched this man’s actions as entertainment while they tended the swine. And just maybe this area had become ‘well known’ for this demoniac and he became the local ‘freak show’ which drew silent onlookers who hid from his sight – after all, this wouldn’t be much different than what’s seen in today’s video games or TV programs.

But when Jesus stepped out of the boat to the shore of the Gadarenes, He upset their ‘normal’ and delivered this man from the legions of demons who possessed him. The demons flew into a herd of nearby pigs and forced them over a cliff into the water below, drowning every one of them.

When the locals heard what happened they ran to investigate. They were so upset and shook by seeing the demoniac delivered, clothed, in his right might and sitting at Jesus feet that they became immensely afraid - it was shocking to them! They had become used to dealing with this man as a demoniac, it was their ‘normal,' but now that he was walking in God’s ‘normal’ they were overcome with fear. The killing of the swine became secondary to the deliverance of this man – this was what caused their immense fear and prompted them to ask Jesus to leave their area!

When we accept demonic activity, darkness and oppression as ‘normal’ and simply arrange our lives around it, we have lost sight of the power and goodness of God. When our situation becomes ‘livable’ because it’s the standard mode of operation for us, and we stop pressing into God to remove it, then we’re living amongst the tombs as ‘normal.’ When the move of God becomes something to fear, instead of being awe inspiring and praiseworthy, then perhaps we have accepted darkness as a way of life.

It’s time for a change – for a new ‘normal’ to overcome the darkness that we’ve become used to. Jesus stepped out of the boat to get to the Gadarenes. Are you willing to step out of the boat and allow Him to change your ‘normal?’ Are you willing to become the vessel which brings God’s ‘normal?’

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