Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Itching Ears" Syndrome

Whether it be one of life’s painful situations, or desires in our lives that are not yet sanctified in Christ, we can develop itching ears. Itching ears long to be ‘scratched’ with words that falsely comfort us or justify our longings. They are created by desperation in the soul that turns the heart to things the Bible calls ‘fables’ (1 Tim. 4:4).

Fables are partial truths and cunningly devised schemes which lack the truth and power of God. When a fable is propagated, fragments of the word are gathered to create a doctrine that satisfies the longings of the soul: fragments that are very often taken out of context in order to satisfy the flesh.

We are most vulnerable to the ‘itching ear syndrome’ when we have unresolved hurts, great grief in life which we struggle to give over to God, or desires which have not been sanctified by the Spirit and the word. While the heart needs to be turned completely to the Lord for further sanctification and God’s strength to help us through difficulties, instead we settle for the easy way out, accepting a doctrine of self satisfaction.

Doctrines that please the flesh and line up with our own perception of God, instead of the God of the Bible, will bankrupt us in every way in the long run. Freedom comes from knowing the truth, but captivity comes with false doctrine – this is evident by looking at the lives of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Once desires are fulfilled through this false doctrine, the heart and mind shut out anything in the word of God which disagrees with that doctrine. This is the ‘in’ the enemy is looking for with false doctrine! He will subtly harden hearts from taking the whole counsel of God’s word, creating ‘new Biblical insights’ on a ‘higher plain’ to satisfy fleshly longings (more fables)!

Be a good Berean: honest and noble with the word of God. Rightly divide by the Spirit instead of by the desires of the flesh (Acts 17:11). Hold no offense toward the person who asks a question about your beliefs, but be ready to give an answer that will hold solid Biblical ground for your doctrine (1 Pet. 3:15).

It is to our advantage to read the word of God through His Spirit; allowing Him to reveal His truth instead of gathering data that serves to uphold our current doctrine.

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