Philippians 4 tells us there are 4 simple
things that will help us have God’s peace in the midst of tense and
trying times. In fact, this scripture commands us to follow these
things to get the outcome of peace that
passes all human understanding. If God commands us to do something,
then we are able and capable through His Spirit. We may have to try
more than once but we can succeed at it or He wouldn’t call us to do it!
1. REJOICE IN THE LORD - Rejoicing is a prophetic decree - it lifts
the name of God above both our circumstances and the thoughts that try
to plague our minds and lead us in the direction of defeat.
human mind can’t go in two different directions at once. If we’re
counting to 10 we can’t say our ABC’s at the same time – the brain can
only go down one road at a time. If we’re recounting the goodness of
God it’s pretty difficult to think on the things the enemy is trying to
defeat us with – especially because rejoicing involves spirit, soul and
body. True rejoicing won’t leave your shoulders hanging while you pay
lip service to God with a song of praise. Paul and Silas exclaimed the
goodness of God and the excellence of His name while in prison because
God’s excellence and goodness are constant no matter what our
circumstances. The prison doors opened shortly after their rejoicing
and patient in your speech and actions. Don’t fly off the handle and
release your frustrations and confusion on other people – take it before
the Lord and let the Holy Spirit work on your heart. Be considerate
and unselfish – even to the people the enemy may be using to bring about
your trying circumstances.
NO THING bring worry, fear or distraction to you. We are not overcome
by fear and we do not shrink back, but we stand strong in the Lord and
the power of His might. Who of you, by worrying, can add one inch to
your stature so that you can tower over your enemy? Growth
never comes by fretting, fear and worry. Anxiousness and distraction
are works of the enemy and they have no place in the peace of God. They
are like round pegs in square holes – they don’t fit in God’s plan for
4. PRAY AND GIVE THANKS – Take your requests to God,
cry out to Him and see Him as your source - not your boss or your pastor
or your best friend. Mingle your prayers with a thankful heart,
knowing that God never fails us or forsakes us. No one forsakes his own
Body, and we are His Body.
And God's peace … which
transcends all [human] understanding, shall garrison and mount guard
over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Php 4:7).
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