Saturday, May 31, 2014

Authority Gone Wrong!

On a tour of a local paper company, I noticed wads of paper underneath a large storage rack. It seemed that human forms were indented into the paper, perhaps a dozen or so, lying in different positions. People were not actually lying there, of course, but they had been there at one point and had rested in those positions under the storage rack. In essence, they were sleeping on the job and had left the evidence behind.

Those workers had the authority to run the plant in their supervisor’s absence and had taken advantage of it. They were entrusted with representing his values, character and power but chose instead to use that authority for their own benefit.

This is similar to what we’ve been given as Christians in God’s Kingdom (Mark 13). He’s granted us full power and authority to care for His possessions and live productively until His return – and all of His assets are at our disposal for this purpose. But true authority is not simply declaring and commanding in the name of Jesus – it has a foundation of Godliness as its source of power. The seven sons of Sceva declared the name of Jesus over demons but they were beaten and abused when they did so. The name of Jesus carries authority only to those who live and walk with Him – displaying His character in this earth (Acts 19)!

Authority has been given us to act in Jesus’ stead: to display his character, walk in the same competency, rule with all diligence and love, apply His power as He would, and exert Godly influence over the world around us. We’re to watch the door of His house for His return and carry on the work of His kingdom. This is our life’s purpose – and each person fits into this purpose with a specific work which is part of the whole.

He is returning soon! Are we asleep on the job or wide awake, alert and ready? Have we given ourselves to walking in His authority – His character, His purposes, and as His representatives in His stead?

What evidence have you left behind?

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