Monday, December 30, 2013

2014: Thy Kingdom Come!

The Word of God changes us from the inside out! As we let the Living Word flow over and through us, we are washed and cleansed from our way of thinking and living and reformed into the image of God.

This is where we become Christlike: where the Word of God becomes flesh on us as we take on His character. In this sense, we become the Living Word in our world, carrying the DNA of the King of Kings!

How does the Queen of England carry herself in this world? Are her heirs required to carry on the family name and responsibilities if they want the benefits of their earthly kingship? We have a higher Kingdom in which we are kings and priests: as children of the King of Kings we have heaven's DNA, with both its privileges and responsibilities. We are indwelt by the Spirit of our Living King, enabling us to rule and reign with His power and vitality in this world!

There is nothing that cannot be conquered, changed, transformed or renewed by the power of the the King of Kings through His submitted heirs. This year, take territory for the King! Increase His reign and authority first within your own life, then in your sphere of influence (2 Cor 10:13). Put aside those things in your life which are not fit for a child of the King and take on His image and life toward your higher calling!

Of the increase of His rule, reign and peace there will be no end. He will reign over his kingdom...upholding it with justice and righteousness. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this! (Isa 9:7 paraphrased).

Lord God, King of Kings, imbue us with zeal for you and accomplish your ruler-ship in and through us.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thank God I wasn't healed instantly!

I went through quite a few years in which my doctor’s phone number was on speed dial. I could call him, let him know ‘it’s happening again’ and be at Walgreen’s in half an hour to pick up a prescription. I spent a lot of time praying over this recurring problem, getting advice and prayers from others, and confessing healing scriptures over myself. I also came very close to having a dangerous surgery done to (hopefully) correct the issue.

None of these actions are necessarily the wrong thing to do, and they are not necessarily the right thing to do. That might stir some irritation in someone, but let me explain further. What finally brought a breakthrough was crying out to God to tell me why this was happening and exactly how I was to pray!

At His prompting I began to research the way my body works. I kept note of things I ate, how much sleep I got, what I drank…..etc. etc. etc.! A pattern arose and it was revealed to me what was causing the problem-it was any type of food or drink high in acid. Great-I was addicted to the acidic taste and the tingling feeling it gave my mouth. I nearly ruined my bladder from the addiction. The more I studied on this the more I saw the long term effects of drinking too much soda and other acidic drinks.

God could have healed my bladder instantly, but He didn’t, THANKFULLY! If He had, I might have gone on drinking the acidic drinks and caused more bodily damage in the long run. Instead, God mercifully led me into His wisdom and understanding on how to keep my body healthy for the long haul which also brought healing to my bladder.

Ultimately, this drew me closer to God. I cannot assume that I should apply a scripture or command something to leave as my first or only remedy. God is interested in making us whole - mind, will and emotions! I have to get His direction for each situation, He is my life source. How do I pray? Is there something I’m doing that’s blocking Your healing? What is the root? I can’t waste time with shots in the dark! I’m connected to the King of the Universe and He has all the answers, whether it be scripture as medicine, life-style changes, or some other remedy.

This is what the LORD says — your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” (Isa 48:18)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holy Gumption!

Holy Gumption!

Sometimes we have to get out of our everyday borders of comfort and protection and step into the unknown or 'unsafe' to get some holy refining done. Desiring change or desiring growth may not be enough to do the job - sometimes our spiritual eyes need to be opened and it may only happen through a circumstance God allows into our lives.

These unusual circumstances are where faith grows, doctrine gets tested and refined, we expand the influence of the Lord through us and we learn new ways to use our gifts.

In the coming year, don't back away from new experiences. You may get thrust in or you may have a choice in participating. Either way, these circumstances will reveal evidence that God is living and active in your life and He continues to have interest in your personal growth and relationship with Him and others. Just get your holy gumption on and get before the Lord for wisdom on how to maneuver the rocky road ahead.

Handle all of the difficulties with Holy thinking, prayer, and Holy motives. Stay focused on Him. Don't let unholy emotions conquer you as you go through the fire. He is your Source and Rock...and at the end of the tunnel of refining you will see Him more clearly and love Him more dearly.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Saturday, December 21, 2013


In Mark 7 the Pharisees and scribes were appalled at Jesus for eating bread without first washing His hands. Their point of agitation was that Jesus broke the tradition of the elders which the Jewish society had been taught was the Truth of God. Even though Jesus lived under the law and kept it perfectly, He refused to succumb to their centuries old religious customs.

Today we have many traditions: in church, at home, on the job and elsewhere. Some traditions are good and helpful in serving and worshiping God, while others may not be. I don't want to question your traditions or tell you what's right or wrong, that's between you and God. But if you are pondering the practice of your traditions, here are some questions you can ask yourself to help decide if you should continue the tradition as is, alter it, or stop it all together. This is 'food for thought' so to speak.

-Does your tradition honor God and bless others-it may be the perfect tool for shining the Gospel light on the unsaved and hurting.
Some traditions are formed around the way God has gifted us: hospitality, music, etc.
-Does your tradition create a new set of 'laws' for you to live under, taking away your freedom in Christ or your peace?
-Does your tradition zap you of the finances, time or energy God's given you to do His will when He calls on you?
-Are you considerate of others who don't practice your tradition? Commands of God are not the same as tradition.
-Do you practice this tradition out of sincerity of heart or are you going through the motions? The heart that joyfully submits to God's will is the greatest matter of concern in all we do.

The answers to these questions may not mean you need to ditch an entire tradition, but perhaps a consultation with God will show if you need to alter your heart attitude or custom to honor Him and bring peace to your life. When you follow God's perfect will you will have perfect peace!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hey, Good Lookin'

Hey, Good Lookin'

The Bible tells us that Jesus had no beautiful physical features that we should want to dwell on Him or be attracted to His form (Is 53:2). His looks were not movie star quality-but His assignment here didn't require such, and great looks would probably have been a hindrance to God's work through Him. We tend to make idols of good looking people.

Queen Esther, on the other hand, would not have been able to carry out God's plan for her life if she had not been beautiful in form. But her beauty went beyond the surface in that she was humble and godly. God's gift of beauty in Esther opened the door to the palace, but her character kept her inside once the door was opened.

The point being made here is that all we have is from God-to be submitted to His use for His glory. We are created to use our entire being to testify of His love, grace and mercy. Whether you have great or small stature, dainty features or enormous feet, it's all suited to His purpose. All of these are gifts entrusted to us to benefit His kingdom and extend the grace of God to others. Sometimes our physical features will draw enough attention to us that we can proclaim the Gospel to those who look!

Measure yourself through God's eyes, not the world's eyes. Don't focus on meeting the world's standards of dress or beauty, but have more concern for the condition of your heart. God will not be able to use your physical features for His glory unless the beauty of your character exceeds that of your physical beauty. We are not whitewashed tombs, looking good on the outside but dirty on the inside-we are those who submit our entire being to God for His cleansing and purposes.

Let our hearts be as Jesus', who said "A body you have prepared for me....I have come to do your will." Let us be submitted body, soul and spirit (Heb. 10:5-7).

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tossing Pearls to Swine!

Tossing pearls to swine!

Do you know that you don't have to give of your resources, or information about yourself, just because someone asks you?

I'm not talking about withholding good from someone when it's in your power to do it, but rather releasing things to the wrong people and situations when God has not given you the 'go ahead' to release them.

If you release your time where God has not ordained, you may find that your child needed you and you weren't there. Feeling pressured to release information about yourself to someone who gossips is like tossing your pearls to swine, and finances released into the wrong situation is like a seed planted in poor soil.

God's protection on us cannot remain in place if we willingly overstep His boundaries when the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. In effect, if we give out what the Spirit has directed us to retain, we are misappropriating God's resources-taking what He has given and using it for a purpose He did not intend.

Don't allow yourself to be pressured in any of these areas but follow the Spirit, He knows the motives behind requests for you to give of these treasures. On the other hand, do not pressure others in these areas but follow His leading.

Guard, protect and obey your heart (God's home and presence in your life) with careful watching and hearing, because out of that God-centered heart will flow His purposes and wisdom (Prov 4:23 paraphrased). This will bring you freedom and peace.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kill the child....and go on with life.

It's evident by the world around us that God is orderly.  He put the seasons in order and created the world to function in ways that man has not even begun to discover (Rom. 1).

As part of creation God gave us the gift of producing offspring.  A 5th grade student would most likely be able to tell us how procreation is ordained: a male and a female have sex, a sperm and egg meet, and a child is produced.  It stands to reason then, that NOT having sex will keep us from producing children, but we are well aware that there are methods to keep us from producing children while still participating in pro-creative activity.

Yesterday I heard a prominent world leader say of his two daughters "if they make a mistake, I don't want them to be punished with a baby."  This comment was in support of abortion.  I question you, leader, what do you mean by a mistake?  Are you somewhat admitting that having sex before marriage is wrong?  That would be agreeing with God, if so.  Or are you telling us that the mistake would be neglecting to use birth control?  Are you telling us that we are exempt from the laws of God and nature that He ordained at creation? 

Here is where the damage is already done to our young people.  They are being taught to defy God without understanding what they are doing. This leader has pointed his finger in the face of God and said "We will do what we want! Even though the laws of procreation cannot be stopped, when that law is fulfilled and the child comes we will kill the child."

This same leader said he would teach his daughters good morals. So are we to understand that good morals include aborting children instead of taking responsibility for one's actions?  This is where the leader wants to change the laws of the universe that God put in order, in effect, to stop the law of procreation as though he were God.  The leader ordains that sex is good, but the ordained result of sex is not good.  In this way the leader mocks God by trying to short circuit the procreative process and kill the child.  Make no mistake, God will not be mocked, a man reaps what he sows!  (Gal. 6:7)

Adding to the mockery of rerouting God's ordained process is the ignorance of the parent who is blind to the emotional damage and demonic strongholds that come on the child because of defying God. In effect, this opens the door to the enemy of our souls, who comes as the thief disguised as an angel of light.  And now, in a move of false love, this leader has announced to the world that his daughters may have sex before marriage and he'll make sure any 'mistake' that happens will be disposed of.

Heads up, people of God.  Here is the plan of the enemy through the world's leadership: to reinvent the ordained laws of nature and purpose of man under the guise of compassion and wisdom.  But again, God will not be mocked, and He will have the final word!

We are no different than the generation who was told "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land" (2 Chron 7:14).  Now is the time to rise up in prayer!  You are here for such a time as this - use every weapon in your holy arsenal of prayer for this battle.  The prayers of a righteous man avail greatly.

Isa 40:25,23  "Who will you compare Me to, or who is My equal?" asks the Holy One...He reduces princes to nothing and makes judges of the earth irrational.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"As You Wiiisshhhhh!

"I am your handmaid, do what ever you find to be suitable and pleasing in your sight."

How many of us are that submitted to the Lord? Mary was telling God that she was available to fulfill His purposes, at any cost. She would take on shame, humiliation, ridicule and betrayal of society without batting an eye-all to be obedient to the Lord! In this sense, Jesus had the DNA of his human mother. It is very possible that conception occurred at the moment Mary's mouth and heart uttered this confession!

What Mary answered to, in reality, was the plan for her life. She said to the Lord "let it be done to me according to thy word." "Thy word" is translated from the Greek word "Rhema", meaning, "the word you speak over me for this time, place and season." (Luke 1:38)

Mary wasn't pushing God in any way to get him to fulfill her plan. She didn't want something out of this arrangement and she wasn't trying to make her life more comfortable. She was born for a purposed and suited to it, and that purpose was determined by her Maker, not her desires. Not only that, but the way the purpose was fulfilled was also determined by God-not her plan.

This is where impossible is drown out by POSSIBLE!!! In our reasoning we can't often figure out how things are going to happen, but God makes it happen within the realm of obedience to His plans. All we have to do is say "As you wish."

For with God, nothing is impossible! Let it be done to me according to Your plan! Luke 1:37-38

Friday, December 6, 2013

Look at Me!!!

     Haman was an officer of the King in the book of Esther. He had an insatiable desire to be recognized and promoted, at any cost.

      The Jews became the object of Haman's rage when Mordecai refused to bow down to Haman. His hatred increased as Mordecai gained renown for his faithfulness, humility and wisdom. Pride, jealousy, and desire for acclaim finally backfired on Haman and destroyed him. This is the case for most people that seek glory for themselves-a fall will eventually come.

      Haman's lack of servant attitude and desire to be elevated drove him to his grave. Any 'position' we have in life is given for the purpose of serving and guiding in grace and love. Parent, employer, supervisor, pastor, teacher....for the Christian these positions are the extension of God's grace through us for the advancement of His Kingdom in love.

      Abuse of the power God's given us is a recipe for disaster. Desire for a title, a position or a following can consume a person and bring unreasonable demands on the Body of Christ. What's more, it causes us to suppress the gifts in others while we assume any task which will bring us glory.

      Let the Spirit search our hearts and bring repentance for pride and self-elevation. God will elevate in His time, if it's His plan. He trains us up to understand the responsibility of leading in humility and grace, that His name would be glorified, not ours.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?"
Today I'm thinking on all the uproar about the world's replacement of the word "Christmas" for the word "Holiday." Just wondering why people are so worked up. We are the shoppers, we supply the $$ to the big corps...we don't have to shop there if we don't like their policies.

Why do we expect anything different from the world? When we buy St. Pat's decor or birthday gifts, do we expect them to give us a blessing? The point is that Christmas is like any other shopping day to them-they are there to make money. If we really want to make an impression on the world we'll worry about our witness to them the other 364 days of the year instead of being indignant when they don't verbally say the word "Christmas" when it has no meaning to them anyway.

Christmas is not a God ordained celebration-I'm not saying it's bad-but God has not commanded us to celebrate it, especially with all of this commercialism. We're not to judge someone else by the way they do or don't celebrate a festival or holiday. We can become modern day Pharisees by putting demands on people that aren't God ordained. Instead of getting irritated that someone said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" just say to them "God Bless You!"

Someone might get their back up and say "well, we have Christ at the center of our Christmas." Good! Then show it by the way you treat other people-make the most of every opportunity to show the love of Christ when you're out and about during the Christmas season. Be His light, spread love, don't take offense.