Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kill the child....and go on with life.

It's evident by the world around us that God is orderly.  He put the seasons in order and created the world to function in ways that man has not even begun to discover (Rom. 1).

As part of creation God gave us the gift of producing offspring.  A 5th grade student would most likely be able to tell us how procreation is ordained: a male and a female have sex, a sperm and egg meet, and a child is produced.  It stands to reason then, that NOT having sex will keep us from producing children, but we are well aware that there are methods to keep us from producing children while still participating in pro-creative activity.

Yesterday I heard a prominent world leader say of his two daughters "if they make a mistake, I don't want them to be punished with a baby."  This comment was in support of abortion.  I question you, leader, what do you mean by a mistake?  Are you somewhat admitting that having sex before marriage is wrong?  That would be agreeing with God, if so.  Or are you telling us that the mistake would be neglecting to use birth control?  Are you telling us that we are exempt from the laws of God and nature that He ordained at creation? 

Here is where the damage is already done to our young people.  They are being taught to defy God without understanding what they are doing. This leader has pointed his finger in the face of God and said "We will do what we want! Even though the laws of procreation cannot be stopped, when that law is fulfilled and the child comes we will kill the child."

This same leader said he would teach his daughters good morals. So are we to understand that good morals include aborting children instead of taking responsibility for one's actions?  This is where the leader wants to change the laws of the universe that God put in order, in effect, to stop the law of procreation as though he were God.  The leader ordains that sex is good, but the ordained result of sex is not good.  In this way the leader mocks God by trying to short circuit the procreative process and kill the child.  Make no mistake, God will not be mocked, a man reaps what he sows!  (Gal. 6:7)

Adding to the mockery of rerouting God's ordained process is the ignorance of the parent who is blind to the emotional damage and demonic strongholds that come on the child because of defying God. In effect, this opens the door to the enemy of our souls, who comes as the thief disguised as an angel of light.  And now, in a move of false love, this leader has announced to the world that his daughters may have sex before marriage and he'll make sure any 'mistake' that happens will be disposed of.

Heads up, people of God.  Here is the plan of the enemy through the world's leadership: to reinvent the ordained laws of nature and purpose of man under the guise of compassion and wisdom.  But again, God will not be mocked, and He will have the final word!

We are no different than the generation who was told "If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land" (2 Chron 7:14).  Now is the time to rise up in prayer!  You are here for such a time as this - use every weapon in your holy arsenal of prayer for this battle.  The prayers of a righteous man avail greatly.

Isa 40:25,23  "Who will you compare Me to, or who is My equal?" asks the Holy One...He reduces princes to nothing and makes judges of the earth irrational.

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