Sunday, December 8, 2013

"As You Wiiisshhhhh!

"I am your handmaid, do what ever you find to be suitable and pleasing in your sight."

How many of us are that submitted to the Lord? Mary was telling God that she was available to fulfill His purposes, at any cost. She would take on shame, humiliation, ridicule and betrayal of society without batting an eye-all to be obedient to the Lord! In this sense, Jesus had the DNA of his human mother. It is very possible that conception occurred at the moment Mary's mouth and heart uttered this confession!

What Mary answered to, in reality, was the plan for her life. She said to the Lord "let it be done to me according to thy word." "Thy word" is translated from the Greek word "Rhema", meaning, "the word you speak over me for this time, place and season." (Luke 1:38)

Mary wasn't pushing God in any way to get him to fulfill her plan. She didn't want something out of this arrangement and she wasn't trying to make her life more comfortable. She was born for a purposed and suited to it, and that purpose was determined by her Maker, not her desires. Not only that, but the way the purpose was fulfilled was also determined by God-not her plan.

This is where impossible is drown out by POSSIBLE!!! In our reasoning we can't often figure out how things are going to happen, but God makes it happen within the realm of obedience to His plans. All we have to do is say "As you wish."

For with God, nothing is impossible! Let it be done to me according to Your plan! Luke 1:37-38

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