Saturday, December 21, 2013


In Mark 7 the Pharisees and scribes were appalled at Jesus for eating bread without first washing His hands. Their point of agitation was that Jesus broke the tradition of the elders which the Jewish society had been taught was the Truth of God. Even though Jesus lived under the law and kept it perfectly, He refused to succumb to their centuries old religious customs.

Today we have many traditions: in church, at home, on the job and elsewhere. Some traditions are good and helpful in serving and worshiping God, while others may not be. I don't want to question your traditions or tell you what's right or wrong, that's between you and God. But if you are pondering the practice of your traditions, here are some questions you can ask yourself to help decide if you should continue the tradition as is, alter it, or stop it all together. This is 'food for thought' so to speak.

-Does your tradition honor God and bless others-it may be the perfect tool for shining the Gospel light on the unsaved and hurting.
Some traditions are formed around the way God has gifted us: hospitality, music, etc.
-Does your tradition create a new set of 'laws' for you to live under, taking away your freedom in Christ or your peace?
-Does your tradition zap you of the finances, time or energy God's given you to do His will when He calls on you?
-Are you considerate of others who don't practice your tradition? Commands of God are not the same as tradition.
-Do you practice this tradition out of sincerity of heart or are you going through the motions? The heart that joyfully submits to God's will is the greatest matter of concern in all we do.

The answers to these questions may not mean you need to ditch an entire tradition, but perhaps a consultation with God will show if you need to alter your heart attitude or custom to honor Him and bring peace to your life. When you follow God's perfect will you will have perfect peace!

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