Monday, December 30, 2013

2014: Thy Kingdom Come!

The Word of God changes us from the inside out! As we let the Living Word flow over and through us, we are washed and cleansed from our way of thinking and living and reformed into the image of God.

This is where we become Christlike: where the Word of God becomes flesh on us as we take on His character. In this sense, we become the Living Word in our world, carrying the DNA of the King of Kings!

How does the Queen of England carry herself in this world? Are her heirs required to carry on the family name and responsibilities if they want the benefits of their earthly kingship? We have a higher Kingdom in which we are kings and priests: as children of the King of Kings we have heaven's DNA, with both its privileges and responsibilities. We are indwelt by the Spirit of our Living King, enabling us to rule and reign with His power and vitality in this world!

There is nothing that cannot be conquered, changed, transformed or renewed by the power of the the King of Kings through His submitted heirs. This year, take territory for the King! Increase His reign and authority first within your own life, then in your sphere of influence (2 Cor 10:13). Put aside those things in your life which are not fit for a child of the King and take on His image and life toward your higher calling!

Of the increase of His rule, reign and peace there will be no end. He will reign over his kingdom...upholding it with justice and righteousness. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this! (Isa 9:7 paraphrased).

Lord God, King of Kings, imbue us with zeal for you and accomplish your ruler-ship in and through us.

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