Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?"
Today I'm thinking on all the uproar about the world's replacement of the word "Christmas" for the word "Holiday." Just wondering why people are so worked up. We are the shoppers, we supply the $$ to the big corps...we don't have to shop there if we don't like their policies.

Why do we expect anything different from the world? When we buy St. Pat's decor or birthday gifts, do we expect them to give us a blessing? The point is that Christmas is like any other shopping day to them-they are there to make money. If we really want to make an impression on the world we'll worry about our witness to them the other 364 days of the year instead of being indignant when they don't verbally say the word "Christmas" when it has no meaning to them anyway.

Christmas is not a God ordained celebration-I'm not saying it's bad-but God has not commanded us to celebrate it, especially with all of this commercialism. We're not to judge someone else by the way they do or don't celebrate a festival or holiday. We can become modern day Pharisees by putting demands on people that aren't God ordained. Instead of getting irritated that someone said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" just say to them "God Bless You!"

Someone might get their back up and say "well, we have Christ at the center of our Christmas." Good! Then show it by the way you treat other people-make the most of every opportunity to show the love of Christ when you're out and about during the Christmas season. Be His light, spread love, don't take offense.

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