Sunday, November 17, 2013

"A Pharisee, and proud of it." (11/17/13)

"A Pharisee, and proud of it!"

"We weren't born out of fornication, like you, Jesus. Besides that, you're a demon-possessed Samaritan." ( John 8 )

Sometimes our understanding of God is built like cement: first a grid of rebar is laid down, then cement goes on top of it. That grid can't be moved unless a bulldozer knocks it loose!

The Pharisees grid for understanding God had been in place for centuries-it was so mixed up with pride that there wasn't much room for God. When something is in place for that long, people start to believe it's the actual truth of God. The traditions of men and misinterpretations of God's word become doctrine in the minds of Pharisees.

The Pharisees couldn't see the virgin birth of Jesus as true, even though scripture stated the prophesy (Is 7:14). Their grid didn't line up with God's word, and their hearts wouldn't allow for a new grid to be formed, so they missed the real Jesus, the Son of God.

Living on a Pharisaical grid can eliminate the voice of God in our lives: it doesn't fit my understanding, so it's not God. Things are very often NOT what they appear! The Holy Spirit is here to help us understand and discern-we don't usually have the whole picture, just as the Pharisees didn't.

Let the truth of the word bring a bulldozer into those areas where Pharisaical cement is established. Read the word not to prove your doctrine, but to hear His voice and understand His character and great love for us!

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