Friday, November 15, 2013

"God! I need a miracle." (11/15/13)

"God! I need a miracle!"

A video game, a pair of camo boots, 4 family meals at Applebees, 12 trips to Starbucks... Perhaps one hand is holding your after Christmas credit card statement and the other is holding January's cell phone bill. Then the 911 call comes "God, I need a miracle!"

While it's wonderful to enjoy a good life, we might want to question ourselves as to whether we are our own worst enemies in this area. Are we (mis)using our $$ to train our families in the entitlement mindset?

If the enemy of our souls can trap us into believing that we need 'things', he will also be able to funnel our time and $$ away from funding true kingdom work. That work must begin with living in self control and financial integrity if we want to be a sincere witness for the King.

Evaluate what God has called you to do, what He's given you and how He calls you to steward those blessings. No longer can we sit and wish we had this or could go there-it's time to discipline ourselves and put the flesh under....there is kingdom work to be done and people are in need of help. You may be the one that's called to help-will you be able to do so when He says "now?"

Make the '911 call' before spending - that's when the miracle is needed! He will guide and direct our finances and take the pressure off of us to conform to the world's standards.

Let the Lord's name be praised in all we do. May it be for His glory and renown.

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