Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Planning to sin? (11/13/13)

Planning to sin?

What desire has taken hold of you that you're fighting and can't seem to get rid of? Prayer and fasting are important...however, Paul tells us to STOP making plans to satisfy that evil craving.

He's talking about premeditated, forethought to feed sin. It could be making allowance for a gossip session, or planning to get everyone out of the house so you can watch that questionable movie....only God and you may know what it is.

This is not who you are in Christ. We are not indebted to the flesh, to live by the carnal nature! But by the power of the Holy Spirit we habitually put to death the dictates of the flesh...until every last root is dug up, destroyed and made extinct (Rom. 8:12-13)

Whatever it takes, make plans to stop the flesh and clothe yourself in the love and wisdom of the Spirit-as one wraps himself in a garment (Rom 13:14). Get help from an outside source if need be or have someone else hold you accountable. You can do it through Christ!

We owe no debt to the flesh, our lives are hidden in Christ and we have become His bond servants.

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