Monday, November 11, 2013

Trapped in Betrayal (11/11/13)

Trapped in Betrayal!

As much as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

In the last days there will be people who are trapped in a cycle of hating and betraying one another: don't do it! (Matt 24). Keep the Lord always before you. Learn from the past, move into the future.

Never encourage others to lean toward criticism, hatred and separation in the Body-forgive immediately if others do this toyou! We are never elevated in the Lord by criticizing and separating members of the Body or drawing others to our 'side.' If you think you are 100% right, chances are you are in pride.

Peace - harmonious relationships, abstaining from antagonizing, thinking the best of others, non-warring, working at loving one another, forgiving offenses, speaking the best of others, encouraging kindness, having brotherly love, wrapping guarding and protecting arms around others.

Peace unifies those that know the Lord, where betrayal separates.
Peace is on God's terms...not ours! Keep the Lord always before you-you'll be assured to walk in peace.

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