Sunday, November 17, 2013

"A Pharisee, and proud of it." (11/17/13)

"A Pharisee, and proud of it!"

"We weren't born out of fornication, like you, Jesus. Besides that, you're a demon-possessed Samaritan." ( John 8 )

Sometimes our understanding of God is built like cement: first a grid of rebar is laid down, then cement goes on top of it. That grid can't be moved unless a bulldozer knocks it loose!

The Pharisees grid for understanding God had been in place for centuries-it was so mixed up with pride that there wasn't much room for God. When something is in place for that long, people start to believe it's the actual truth of God. The traditions of men and misinterpretations of God's word become doctrine in the minds of Pharisees.

The Pharisees couldn't see the virgin birth of Jesus as true, even though scripture stated the prophesy (Is 7:14). Their grid didn't line up with God's word, and their hearts wouldn't allow for a new grid to be formed, so they missed the real Jesus, the Son of God.

Living on a Pharisaical grid can eliminate the voice of God in our lives: it doesn't fit my understanding, so it's not God. Things are very often NOT what they appear! The Holy Spirit is here to help us understand and discern-we don't usually have the whole picture, just as the Pharisees didn't.

Let the truth of the word bring a bulldozer into those areas where Pharisaical cement is established. Read the word not to prove your doctrine, but to hear His voice and understand His character and great love for us!

Friday, November 15, 2013

"God! I need a miracle." (11/15/13)

"God! I need a miracle!"

A video game, a pair of camo boots, 4 family meals at Applebees, 12 trips to Starbucks... Perhaps one hand is holding your after Christmas credit card statement and the other is holding January's cell phone bill. Then the 911 call comes "God, I need a miracle!"

While it's wonderful to enjoy a good life, we might want to question ourselves as to whether we are our own worst enemies in this area. Are we (mis)using our $$ to train our families in the entitlement mindset?

If the enemy of our souls can trap us into believing that we need 'things', he will also be able to funnel our time and $$ away from funding true kingdom work. That work must begin with living in self control and financial integrity if we want to be a sincere witness for the King.

Evaluate what God has called you to do, what He's given you and how He calls you to steward those blessings. No longer can we sit and wish we had this or could go there-it's time to discipline ourselves and put the flesh under....there is kingdom work to be done and people are in need of help. You may be the one that's called to help-will you be able to do so when He says "now?"

Make the '911 call' before spending - that's when the miracle is needed! He will guide and direct our finances and take the pressure off of us to conform to the world's standards.

Let the Lord's name be praised in all we do. May it be for His glory and renown.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Planning to sin? (11/13/13)

Planning to sin?

What desire has taken hold of you that you're fighting and can't seem to get rid of? Prayer and fasting are important...however, Paul tells us to STOP making plans to satisfy that evil craving.

He's talking about premeditated, forethought to feed sin. It could be making allowance for a gossip session, or planning to get everyone out of the house so you can watch that questionable movie....only God and you may know what it is.

This is not who you are in Christ. We are not indebted to the flesh, to live by the carnal nature! But by the power of the Holy Spirit we habitually put to death the dictates of the flesh...until every last root is dug up, destroyed and made extinct (Rom. 8:12-13)

Whatever it takes, make plans to stop the flesh and clothe yourself in the love and wisdom of the Spirit-as one wraps himself in a garment (Rom 13:14). Get help from an outside source if need be or have someone else hold you accountable. You can do it through Christ!

We owe no debt to the flesh, our lives are hidden in Christ and we have become His bond servants.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Trapped in Betrayal (11/11/13)

Trapped in Betrayal!

As much as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

In the last days there will be people who are trapped in a cycle of hating and betraying one another: don't do it! (Matt 24). Keep the Lord always before you. Learn from the past, move into the future.

Never encourage others to lean toward criticism, hatred and separation in the Body-forgive immediately if others do this toyou! We are never elevated in the Lord by criticizing and separating members of the Body or drawing others to our 'side.' If you think you are 100% right, chances are you are in pride.

Peace - harmonious relationships, abstaining from antagonizing, thinking the best of others, non-warring, working at loving one another, forgiving offenses, speaking the best of others, encouraging kindness, having brotherly love, wrapping guarding and protecting arms around others.

Peace unifies those that know the Lord, where betrayal separates.
Peace is on God's terms...not ours! Keep the Lord always before you-you'll be assured to walk in peace.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Regulating the Relationship Teeter-Totter (11/2/13)

Regulating the Relationship Teeter-Totter

Parting is such sweet sorrow...said William Shakespeare. He was right!

We live in a 'disposable' world! Unfortunately, we can be like the flap on a garbage can left in the wind or a child's teeter-totter on the playground, when it comes to relationships...up and down.

When people come and go in our lives, we can make the reconciling or parting easier in a couple of ways:

1. Examine self before the Lord and repent when needed
2. Apologize when humble
3. Do your best to reconcile in all humility. If it's successful, set
reasonable boundaries for yourself in the renewed relationship
so you don't slip back into the old one. If the person is
unwilling to reconcile immediately, give it time and take it
before the Lord
4. If reconciliation is not currently possible, let go without hanging
on to hurts or anger-pray for them, bless them with your
words and don't allow your thoughts to be consumed by it
5. Perhaps the season for the relationship is done...the closeness
will not be there anymore...accept it!
6. Don't chase after someone who doesn't want relationship
with you-let them walk away and leave it alone.
7. When applicable, go back to #1 and repeat!

Love the Lord, love people! Know yourself!