Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Weak Flesh, Strong Spirit (May 28, 2013)
Weak Flesh, Strong Spirit!
Just a simple word of encouragement today to press in, move forward, keep living the life of Christ!
David committed adultery, Abraham lied twice about his wife being his
sister, Moses killed a man, Paul (Saul) participated in the death and
torment of Christians...and the list goes on. What I speak of here is
our propensity toward evil, even when we have a relationship with God.
Paul said in Romans 7:15 "For I do not understand my own actions [I am
baffled, bewildered]. I do not practice or accomplish what I wish, but I
do the very thing that I loathe..."
The flesh is weak, but the
Spirit in us is strong and powerful. Repent (turn away from the sin in
tenderness of heart, trust once again in the Lord), seek Him, and leave
the past behind.
God used every
one of these people after they had committed sin-they were moved by the
love and calling of God and He took their human weakness and turned it
around for His glory.
Today, do not beat yourself over the head
for sins committed-whether it be thought, word of deed. Repent, move
forward and enjoy the life of Christ he's provided for you. Come out of
the cave of oppression and guilt and into His arms....He is your strong
tower! There is nothing that can separate you from the love and
forgiveness He has provided.
Rom 8:38-9 I am absolutely sure
that not even death or life can separate us from God's love. Not even
angels or demons, the present or the future, or any powers can do that.
Not even the highest places or the lowest, or anything else in all
creation can do that. Nothing at all can ever separate us from God's
love because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Issues of Life (May 25, 2013)
The Issues of Life
Pro 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
I see this scripture as a diamond, a true and pure gem. A diamond has
many facets, causing light to reflect on it differently from various
angles. This is true of this scripture, it is multi-faceted, with two
of the facets illuminated in this writing. What is being encouraged in
this scripture is not simply to discard evil which comes towards us, but
to search out and implant into our hearts the purposes and ways of God.
The word "keep" is similar to the word we use when we promise to pray for others, "I will keep you in prayer." The promise is to hold the person up
before the Lord in all diligence. This is what "keep" indicates in
Proverbs 4:23, a holding of the heart before the Lord both for
protection and purification.
Out of the heart flow the "issues
of life"-I would choose not to separate these words in defining the
meaning because together they give a clearer picture of scriptures
intent. The "issues of life" are the those things which bring and
release true spiritual and physical life, the true life of God in us and
through us.
Act 17:28 "For in him we live (are quickened to
physical and spiritual health and vitality and have purpose), and move
(are stirred to extend Him through our lives), and have our being (have
true existence both here and in eternity)..."
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Ungodly Reproduction (May 23, 2013)
Ungodly Reproduction
Gen 21:9-12 Now Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking [Isaac]. Therefore she said to Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son, for the son of this bondwoman shall not be an heir with my son Isaac. [Gal. 4:28-31.] And the thing was very grievous (serious, evil) in Abraham's sight on account of his son [Ishmael]. God said to Abraham, Do not let it seem grievous and evil to you because of the youth and your bondwoman; in all that Sarah has said to you, do what she asks, for in Isaac shall your posterity be called. [Rom. 9:7.]
Abraham loved his offspring, but the child (Ishmael) was
born from an ungodly union. If we want to share in the inheritance of
God, we cannot do it through things originating in the flesh. We cannot
expect God to bless that which we have created from a mixture of
the world and our own mind, will and emotions. We are born again,
recreated in Christ: we must cast out the things of the world and have a
Kingdom mindset. We'll experience frustration and irritation and a
whole range of unhealthy emotions if we try to mix the two kindgoms-it's
not God's plan.
Ishmael was not conceived of God, he
represented slavery to the world's kingdom. Isaac was conceived of God
(and in God's timing), he represented the Kingdom of God and the
fulfillment of the promise of God.
You are a child of the
promise, one who has cast away slavery and the things of the world. You
have inherited a Kingdom which is not of this world! What has crept into your
life that God is calling you to cast out? It may be hard to release,
but when you do, your hands will be free to take hold of what God wants
you to grasp.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
True Existence (May 21, 2013)
True Existence
It occurs to me at times that we live this life upside down in comparison to how God has called us to live. Our physical bodies have so much sway over us that we cater more to that side of our being than the spiritual side. Knowing that we are a 3 part being (spirit, soul and body) we must make the choice to use each part as God intends.
1Tim 4:8 "For
physical training is of some value (useful for a little), but godliness
(spiritual training toward holiness) is useful and of value in
everything and in every way, for it holds promise for the present life
and also for the life which is to come."
Godliness, spiritual
training, is useful for everything! Physical training has value for
this life, especially in being able to have the health and endurance to
do the work He's called us to do, but spiritual training will lead to
the fulfillment of His will in our lives and the realization of His
promises toward the end of fulfilling that will.
training leads to the right balance in all things of life-because we
truly live this life only to the extent that we live it through Him.
What can happen is that we grab a-hold of a God thing and turn it into a
flesh thing, carrying out the 'command' through the flesh and
overemphasizing it. Then it becomes as a taskmaster to us, a law which
we come under, thus usurping the authority and purpose of God.
What is written here is not to say that physical training needs to be
curtailed, that was simply an example, the purpose is to say that God is
the creator of life and He knows how He's created us to function-each
one of us-in His timing and for His glory.
Act 17:28 "For in
him we live (are truly alive and have purpose), and move (are stirred
with passion and purpose), and have our being (have true existence both
here and in eternity)..."
Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified
with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the
life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Blessings or Covenant?
Blessings or Covenant?
17:20-21 And as for Ishmael, I have heard and heeded you: behold, I
will bless him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him
exceedingly...But My covenant, My promise and pledge, I will establish
with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this season next year.
Ishmael was blessed by God, but Isaac was in covenant with God! Here
is the difference between the saved child of God and the unsaved people
of the world: the saved are in covenant with God and are called His
children! God causes the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the
entire world, all are benefits of His blessings, but all are not in
covenant with Him (Matt 5:45). Inside of the covenant we have with God
is every blessing that he has bestowed upon His children!
A covenant requires two parties to come into agreement,
each one committing what they will do and/or provide under the
covenant-marriage is a prime example of this. Historically, covenants
in Biblical times were ratified by blood sacrifices. Our covenant with
God is ratified (set in place and established) by the blood of Jesus
The Bible is our written covenant with God-every word of it
is true and He is faithful to keep covenant with us! God requires, as
our part of the covenant, that we walk faithfully with Him, as He stated
to Abraham: "... walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I
will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your
numbers" Gen 17:1-2. The simplest fact of our covenant with God is that
He desires us to walk with Him (live continually for His glory, turn
our faces to Him at all times, be recreated into His image). Jesus paid
a great price to ratify this covenant while at the same time bringing
us back into right relationship with the Father and Creator of the
Universe. Walking with Him is the only means of fully realizing the
elements of the covenant.
Heb 13:20-21 "Now the God of
peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great
shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that
which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be
glory for ever and ever. Amen. "
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
What's in a Name? (May 15,2013)
What's in a Name?
Act 11:26b ...and in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.
God changed the names of various people in the Bible-some examples are
Abram (meaning exalted father) to Abraham (meaning father of many
nations) Gen 17:5, Jacob (supplanter) to Israel (God prevails) Gen.
In both the old and new testament a name carries
significance concerning God's assignment for people. Abraham is a
perfect example of this-going from "Exalted Father" to "Father of Many
Nations" describes God's plan for him. "Name" as a word is defined as
"authority, character, rank, majesty, power, excellence." When God
gives a name to someone, the name is descriptive of God's purpose for
that person and as such, carries His authority to accomplish His
assignment(s). Acts 11:26b says they were "called Christians."
Strong's Concordance defines the words as such: called [commanded,
assigned], Christians [followers of the Anointed One-those who live as
representatives of Christ].
God has various names, all
representative of a part of His character-El Shadai (the All Sufficient
One), Jehovah Rapha (the Healer), Messiah (Anointed One), among others.
Each of these names also represents a facet of His miraculous power. A
look at the gifts God has placed in His body of believers reveals that
many of God's O/T names and the accompanying power are extended through
the Holy Spirit in us today.
We are called "Christian." We
represent Him and carry His authority and power as we carry His
character. Let us complete His assignment, with His authority and power
and character, in bringing Him to a sin sick world.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The All Sufficient One (May 12, 2013)
Gen 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.
What seems like a simple line of scripture in Gen
17:1 is filled with promise! In appearing to Abram God calls Himself
the "Almighty God." The Hebrew words are "El Shaddai" meaning "the
powerful and all sufficient God." God then commands Abram to walk
before Him (live habitually with your face turned to Me) and be perfect
(blameless, whole, without blemish).
God is telling Abram that He is
all sufficient and powerful, the means for Abram to walk before Him and
be perfect. This is true for us, as it was for Abram. We are called
to live for God, but we can only doing this through His sufficiency.
For this life God has called us to live, He supplies all that's needed
to live for Him as we keep our faces turned to Him.
Mat 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Keep my [spiritual] eyes single on You, Lord!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Wait on the Lord (May 10, 2013)
Rom 4:19-21 And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about an hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. He did not waiver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.
Piggy-backing off of the last post (Haste), this scripture gives insight into
the next step that Abraham and Sarah took after trying in their flesh to
make His promises come to pass - they learned to wait on
the Lord.
To waiver means to separate, withdraw, hesitate or
contend. The issue with Abraham wasn't whether he believed God would
fulfill His promise, it was if he believed that God would fulfill His
promise without the intervention of
Abraham's flesh. But the process of learning to fully (purely) believe,
strengthened Abraham and Sarah in more ways than one - the implication
with this verse is that their bodies were also strengthened. At 100
years old it would have been physically impossible for them to have a
child, but God did something miraculous in their bodies. The more they
focused their eyes of faith on Him, the more strengthened (empowered)
their bodies became to conceive and bear a child.
Php 1:6
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good
work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to
the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and
bringing it to full completion in you.
Haste: Unwillingness to Wait on God (May 8, 2013)
Haste-unwillingness to wait on God for His time.
In Genesis 16 we read how Abraham and Sarah so desired a child that
they took matters into their own hands and timing...these scriptures are
written as examples for us. Haste brought bitterness and strife into
their lives and, finally, the sending of Hagar and her son into the
We may have the ability to accomplish the end result
of God's promise, but if we do not take HIS road to arrive at that end
result we may create havoc and strife on the way. Receiving the end
result is not the only reward - it includes serving obediently, being
continually sanctified and knowing Him through the whole process.
Gal 4:4-5 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth
His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were
under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
fullness of time: the perfect season; when all things are set into
place for God's perfect timing; when the boat is filled with oarsman,
merchandise and soldiers; when all tools are gathered and ready for use;
when power is made available (Strong's and Thayer's).
Arise! Enter In (May 7, 2013)
Arise! Enter In.
Gen 13:17 Arise, walk through the land, the length of it and the breadth of it, for I will give it to you.
These are God's words to Abraham after he'd not only left his country
and family, but after he'd given Lot first choice of the lands that lay
ahead of them before they parted ways.
Inserting the word meanings
in this scripture from Strong's Concordance brings a clearer picture of
what God was saying to Abraham: Arise (lift your head, be established
and strengthened, endure), walk through the land (enter in), the length
and breadth of it (the all encompassing magnitude of it), for I will
give it to you (I commit it to you as my gift).
Today, enter in and
take hold of what God has given you. Lift your head and be
strengthened, knowing that His all encompassing promises belong to you
as a blood bought child of the great inheritance! See that all He has
given is to extend grace to a dieing world and love to His children. To
Him be all glory!
The Pliable Heart (May 6, 2013)
Psalm 37:4-5 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
"Delight thyself", according to
Strong's Concordance, means to be pliable and delicate in the hands of
God. I see this scripture as a command from God, as though He is saying
to us, "Make yourself pliable and completely vulnerable in my hands and
I will place my desires within you. As you succumb to me I will so
shape your heart that you will desire what I have planned for you. Then
we, you and I (God), will be in agreement and I (God) will bring it to
This is all for the glory of God, that we would become what He has created us to be and carry out His will.
God, make our hearts as a watercourse in Your hands, that we would be pliable to completely flow in the direction you desire.
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