Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Issues of Life (May 25, 2013)

The Issues of Life
Pro 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

I see this scripture as a diamond, a true and pure gem. A diamond has many facets, causing light to reflect on it differently from various angles. This is true of this scripture, it is multi-faceted, with two of the facets illuminated in this writing. What is being encouraged in this scripture is not simply to discard evil which comes towards us, but to search out and implant into our hearts the purposes and ways of God.

The word "keep" is similar to the word we use when we promise to pray for others, "I will keep you in prayer." The promise is to hold the person up before the Lord in all diligence. This is what "keep" indicates in Proverbs 4:23, a holding of the heart before the Lord both for protection and purification.

Out of the heart flow the "issues of life"-I would choose not to separate these words in defining the meaning because together they give a clearer picture of scriptures intent. The "issues of life" are the those things which bring and release true spiritual and physical life, the true life of God in us and through us.

Act 17:28 "For in him we live (are quickened to physical and spiritual health and vitality and have purpose), and move (are stirred to extend Him through our lives), and have our being (have true existence both here and in eternity)..."

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