Thursday, December 17, 2015

The "Mark of the Beast" ... Be Informed!

We may not know the exact day and timing of events and seasons prophesied in the Bible, but if we search it out, we'll see that there is a definite order to these events.

For example, we should be able to tell, by reading Old Testament prophecies (Is 9, 53), that the Savior must first be born, then redemption through His blood comes. That sounds immensely simple, but it's God's order of things. We can look back and see that it would have been impossible for there to be any other order to these events, even though no one knew the exact timing of Jesus birth or death on the cross before it happened.

It's the same way with end times events. We don't know the exact timing of the events, but a hearty look into the book of Revelation, Matthew, Daniel and 1st & 2nd Thessalonians shows us the order in which these events are to take place. If carefully studied, Scripture reveals 'order' words such as; after this, then, but first, immediately after, at that time, and until then. These little words have immense meaning in the bigger scheme of God's end times plan!

If we pay attention to these words, it will keep us from having a haphazard and scattered view of end times events. We don't want to be looking for the 'mark of the beast' to come on people when the order of events calls for many other things to take place first (ie: the antichrist sets himself up in the temple in Jerusalem as God (2 Thess 2, Matt 24, Dan 8)).

Scripture gives us great indication that the temple in Jerusalem must be restored or rebuilt before the antichrist can set himself up in it as God, and THEN he will give the mark of the beast. We tend to focus on the mark being given (Rev 13), but the called-for events which are to take place in the mean time must come first; God is orderly (1 Cor 14:33). That is not to say that things can't happen very quickly, but it is to our benefit to be good students of the Word and base our faith on that alone! This will keep our focus on God and keep us from grasping at straws to prove a doctrine that includes only bits and pieces of the Truth, but it will also keep us out of the panic and fear mode.

Technological advances often inspire our imaginations; we can envision how some of the end times events might be played out through the use of them. But it's important that we don't excuse something beneficial, which might even be a blessing from God, because we are afraid that the enemy might also use them for his purposes. If that were the case, we'd stay away from the internet, TV and media entirely. This concept is especially true when it comes to the mark of the beast! The Bible tells us that those on the earth at that time will have to make a conscious decision to either accept or refuse it, knowing exactly what's happening. There will be no question as to what it is or that it's coming directly from the antichrist; it won't be hidden in any venue other than that of serving the antichrist, and the mark will be easily discernible (Rev 13, 14). The antichrist will use it to starve and deprive the people of God, but the Bible clearly forewarns that this will happen.

If we are people of the Word, diligently seeking God's Truth and order of events, it will keep us from being fearful in these tumultuous times. And although we may not know every detail of God's end time plan, or exactly how it's played out, God's Word has given us enough information to understand the order of events, which should bring peace to our hearts while waiting and praying for His perfect will to come to pass!

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