Tuesday, January 5, 2016

When Being 'Nice' is a Bad Idea!

To be nice means to be pleasing, agreeable or delightful (Dictionary.com).

Sometimes people are 'nice' but not Godly. In fact, many of today's social movements are about being nice - they cater to the temporal feelings of a person but don't value the greater, eternal concerns of Christ-likeness, righteousness and holiness. An example of this could be the parent who spoils the child by being 'nice' [catering to the child's whims] and later sees the treacherous results. There is no going back!

Grace and kindness are not the same as niceness. Grace and kindness see the sin but love the person without promoting evil; they are not flesh pleasers. Grace and kindness are inspired by God and filled with His wisdom, promoting His way of living; they lead us to repentance, whereas niceness may make us feel comfortable in our sin. Niceness is an agreeable people pleaser, and in the end it brings no glory to God unless it is specifically inspired by Him.

So let your dealings with people be filled with the grace of God and the kindness that leads others to Him. These are Godly attributes and they have eternal value for both the giver and the receiver! Refrain from the worldly niceness which gives credibility to unGodly behaviors and attitudes.

This was Jesus' example; He was bent on saving people from hell by delivering the grace and kindness of God to them. Let us not be confused by the world's niceness, but remain steadfast in following Jesus' example!

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