Wednesday, August 6, 2014

You Can Enter the Holy of Holies

We are seated with Christ in heavenly realms (Eph 2:6), having entrance to the throne room of God. This is how our days of heaven are manifested on earth – we are deeply connected to our Source and consequently live the life of Christ on earth. Being seated with Christ is being unified with Him in thought and purpose: we “live by heaven’s standards and are motivated by heaven’s impulses” (Baker’s NT Commentary).

When we were ‘saved’ and accepted Christ as our Savior it was much more than a washing of sins and reserving of our spot in heaven – those were the blessed beginnings. When the curtain to the temple was torn in two, at the death of Jesus, we were given complete access to the Holy of Holies (the throne room of heaven and the presence of God), and opportunity to daily commune with the God of the Universe. By the Holy Spirit we enter the Holy of Holies where we sit at His feet and hear His voice, understand His wisdom and receive His love (Heb. 6, 10, Is. 6). Our job is to apply that wisdom and love in the earthly realms in God’s timing and manner.

Going into the Holy of Holies with God gives us opportunity to seek Him for each individual decision and circumstance in our lives. No two circumstances are the same and we need God’s insight for each one - we are not people of method and law as it relates to living for Him, applying the same answer to every concern.

As we commune with God, He helps us avoid picking up the wrong weapon for the battle or even fighting a battle that isn’t ours to fight. As we purposely sit at His feet, God reveals motives, hurts and roots behind both our own and other people’s conduct. He knows the core of each problem and the target that needs to be hit through prayer or other action: here is the place to wait on Him and receive His answers.

We have a High Priest, Jesus Christ, who became the final living sacrifice and gave His blood that we would have access to the throne room of heaven. Therefore, we can have confidence that God is waiting for us to commune with Him and we enter in to His presence not solely for the purpose of receiving answers and wisdom, but for fellowship with Him, the Blessing above all blessings. Here is where God lavishes His love on us and frees us of the fear and turmoil of the world (Heb 4:14-16 paraphrased).

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