Saturday, August 9, 2014

Physical Actions with Spiritual Meaning

Our physical actions spiritually influence the world around us, but on the other hand, the way we physical behave is often the result of spiritual influences.
In effect, our actions either agree with (and increase) the spiritual realm of God, or agree with (and increase) the spiritual realm of satan – it’s that simple. We live in physical bodies which have the immense ability to both influence, and be influenced, spiritually.

Why are we told to lift holy hands in prayer (1 Tim2:8) or physically bow down and worship (Ps 95:6)? Why did God direct the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute and name his children “not pitied” and “you are not my children?” (Hosea 1) The answer to all of these is that these physical bodies are avenues to establish and carry out the spiritual kingdom of God on earth.

I can see, in my own life, where I’ve missed the mark in this physical life. That’s not to say that I’m living under some type of law and keeping track of every right and wrong, but I’ve lost opportunities to be a spiritual influence by the way I’ve acted out my physical life. The way I care for my body, my posture toward others, being willing to physically move at God's prompting; these are things which bring spiritual influence to the world around me.

We are holy highways on which the desires of God are constantly brought to earth and dispersed at His will, and our physical actions can open that highway to spiritually impact the world around us. The physical acts of weddings, presidential inaugurations, baptisms –these are common acts whose spiritual influence is far greater than the words spoken at these events. But so are the physical actions of each of us as prompted by the Holy Spirit.

What happened when Jesus gave His physical body as an example of complete surrender to God’s will?
What if God prompts you to dance like David?
What if your next breakthrough is simply a physical motion away?
What if our physical bodies were simply another avenue for God to establish His kingdom on this earth?

“You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your body and all of its physical strength" (Deut 6:5 paraphrased).

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