Saturday, August 2, 2014

Afraid to be Me

Afraid to be Me

Our individuality is a gift from God: we are each uniquely formed and prepared for a specific work that is assigned to us (Eph 4:11, Jer 1:5). And though we're each cut form a different mold and individually crafted by the Master Sculptor, we fit together in the Body of Christ like pieces of a puzzle.

As we become the sanctified individuals God has intended us to be, we learn how to love and serve in the unique way that God has created us to love others and serve Him. But if we allow ourselves to be conformed to other’s norms, we may wind up walking in disobedience to God – never fulfilling His purposes through us for His glory.

This is not to say that any one of us should put his own interests above unity in the Body of Christ, but that each one should allow the Holy Spirit freedom to develop him into the person God has called him to be – thereby becoming free to be a fully functioning member of the Body. Developing self is not selfishness toward the Body of Christ - if each person is a seeker of God individually and allows himself to be transformed to God’s design for him, he will fit into the Body perfectly.

Sadly, many of us have not become the unique individuals God has intended us to be – and perhaps this is part of the reason we don’t see God’s power and creativity abounding in the world today. We feel pressured to conform – causing us to use our God given creativity within “acceptable” boundaries which bring comfort to men’s flesh. We must dress a certain way to fit in, behave a certain way to be accepted, and speak with a certain lingo to communicate with the group. This can cause us to love through the lense of other’s expectations of us and live in fear of being rejected. This is not mature love – perfect love casts out fear.

We miss out considerably when we exclude people because they aren’t ‘like us.’ John the Baptist was quite different than his contemporaries….but his personality was necessary for the work God called him to. What individual ‘quirks’ do you have that may be the avenue to bring God’s power and love to others?

Being a unique individual is not an excuse to be rude or selfish, or keep us from being an integral part of His Body - that would be negating the purpose of individuality. Becoming a fully mature, unique, child of God is becoming who God has created us to be in Him so that we can love and be a witness as no other person can be. This is not because we are better or greater, but because we are created to minister His love through our own unique, sanctified personalities.

Perhaps it's time to break out of the mold that has kept you stifled and held the love of God captive inside of you. You're not just another brick in the wall - you're a living, breathing, life giving, master crafted, unique individual - perfectly formed for His glory!

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