Friday, August 29, 2014

Do We Have The Guts To Become Abrahams?

God said "Abraham, get out of your native land!" (Gen 12:1)
– Leave the culture behind that has dictated who you are your entire life. You are not a product of your culture: God defines who we are and calls us to His culture and kingdom life. Getting out of the ‘native land’ is to leave the world’s system of expectations and morals, the value they place on things, and their cultural norms. We are no longer of this world; we are in it to be an influence for the glory of God and the salvation of mankind, but our native land is heaven. Paul said “our citizenship [rights and privileges as a community member] is in heaven.” (Php 3:20)

God said "Abraham, leave your kindred!"
-Leave your constant fellowship with unsaved people – they are not your brothers and sisters, they are the world’s brothers and sisters. This is not saying that we are to completely cut them off and forsake witnessing to them, but our kindred are now the people of God. Setting boundaries with people of the world can be one of the hardest elements of Christianity, but Jesus said of His own family “For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven, that person is My brother and sister and mother." (Matt 12:50). This is not telling us to dishonor our families, but to first seek fellowship with people who are kingdom minded.

God said "Abraham, leave your father’s house!"
-Leave the idea that your DNA is earthly. We have been reborn into a heavenly family with a Heavenly Father. The limitations of our natural DNA have been lifted off of us and we are enabled to fulfill God's calling! Further, we cannot truly love and honor our earthly parents without having God’s heart of love and wisdom, and that is the crux of His DNA. We are kingdom born children of the Living God, born not of the flesh, but of the Spirit. John said “As many as received Him, He gave the power to become the sons of God.” (John 1:3).

God said “Abraham, do these things – let go of the earth and cling to Me. My eyes have roamed the earth looking for someone on whom I can place my blessing, someone who will live life to the fullest through Me, and someone who will believe my Words” (Gen 12:2-3).

Then Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness – conforming to the will and character of God. And Abraham became a vessel of blessing to all the people the earth! (Gal. 3:5 paraphrased).

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