Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hitting the Prayer Target with Accuracy!

Jesus seldom applied the same method twice, even when circumstances looked similar to one another. Concerning the blind persons who were healed in the Gospels, one was told by Jesus “Receive your sight,” (Luke 18:35) but Jesus put mud and spittle on another sightless man’s eyes (John 9:6). Matthew 15 records that Jesus healed a multitude more of blind persons, but we are not told what ‘method’ He used for each healing. Perhaps Jesus approach to prayer and healing, taking each circumstance individually, is one of the reasons John said that it would take volumes of books to record all that Jesus did (John 21:25).

Being creatures of habit can often serve us well, however, we sometimes settle into common methods of praying, effectively applying the same ‘medicine’ to every situation that needs a salve. Those methods may work at times, but they are likely not the answer to every situation. Taking some time to search the heart and mind of God may provide powerful revelation about which salve to apply and how to apply it, both physically and spiritually speaking.

What if, instead of routinely using the standard methods we’ve learned to use, we went before the throne of heaven and asked for wisdom on how to pray for each circumstance? What if we didn’t assume there was a demon to bind or a rebuke to be given, but we waited on God to reveal the root of the problem then pulled it up as he directed? God is willing to give us understanding and insight into the precise weapon that’s needed so we can hit the prayer target with accuracy – but we must be willing to ask Him and apply His wisdom.

We have been given a powerful arsenal of weaponry for prayer and ministry – may God help us to choose the one that hits the healing and deliverance target in His perfect timing!

"Call to Me, seeking me and my understanding, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which are hidden from your sight (things you have not distinguished and recognized, nor do you have knowledge of and understand them). I will reveal things that you have not seen, and open your understanding to see what I see." (Jer 33:3 paraphrased)

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