Thursday, August 28, 2014

God's Math = Supernatural Increase

Peace and grace – they’re like twin blessings! Peter tells us how to obtain a continued and increasing flow of both of them: expand and intensify your knowledge of God and fellowship with Him. Peter isn’t telling us to know about God, but to continually become more fully acquainted with God, intimately depend on Him, and see Him as the source of everything that pertains to life. (2 Pet 1:1-2)

This hyper focus on God will bring a flood of peace (exemption from havoc, prospering of the soul, and the blessed state of security in God) and grace (God’s holy influence and favor on your heart and in your life, and great benefits from God).

But these twin blessings won’t come as a little pat on the back to comfort you, there will be a multiplication of them and a synergy that only God can bring. This multiplication of grace and peace will continually flood your being and astronomically shift your focus to the heart of God. Synergy is an unexplainable multiplication – when the sum of the parts is far greater than the effort and elements that are put into it. This supernatural increase of peace and grace are like fast growing plants that reach to the sky – they are unstoppable empowerments from the throne room of God.

The key to this synergy is to increasingly make God the center of your universe. When you sit, when you rise, when you walk and when you rest – it’s all about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. His Word is your food and His Spirit is your breath. Criticism, negativity, circumstances – they cannot block the peace and grace of God – they are simply opportunities to apply it for His glory!

Are you willing? He is able! Purposefully put aside every hindrance (thought, word, deed, distraction) that tries to keep you from obtaining an increasingly intimate knowledge of God. Make Him your priority, then dive into His grace and peace!

May grace (God's favor) and peace (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full, personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” (2Pe 1:2)

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