Thursday, July 17, 2014

When Freedom Turns Into Captivity

As New Testament people, we are not under a law which requires us to schedule temple visits, give certain offerings on certain days, or celebrate holy days. We know that God is looking for relationship with us, and out of that relationship should flow the desire to fellowship with Him, walk in obedience and serve others.

But the freedom we’ve been given can easily turn into a trap of the enemy if we are not mindful in the Lord of how our human flesh operates and how the enemy takes advantage of our weaknesses. Freedom from structure, freedom from specific requirements to meet together, freedom to do what we want to do….these freedoms are blessings that can turn into opportunities to neglect the life of God in us and through us. And perhaps most importantly, when our freedoms are used incorrectly they can damage the spiritual walk of other people.

What kind of freedoms might be easily abused?
-Food freedoms – how free are we when we become sick from our diets and this limits our ability to serve God?
-Fellowship freedoms – how free are we when the enemy can isolate us from fellowship and keep us from the accountability the Body offers?
-Financial freedoms – how free are we when we can swipe a piece of plastic today and have to work another 15 hours next week to pay it off?
-Doctrinal freedoms – How free are we when we allow society to dictate what God's word says? God brings His word to pass, not varied interpretations of His word.

These are hard things to take in - but they are not meant for condemnation - just to make us aware of how the enemy may be trying to trap us in our 'freedom.'

In reality, our freedom is not freedom FROM something, but freedom TO the Lord. The Holy Spirit in our lives takes us into full fellowship, where true freedom resides – but freedom without responsibility is a usurping of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God empowers us to freely serve and love Him – and that empowerment leads to spiritual discipline and perseverance – the freedom to grow in Him, and know Him and show the real Him to the world around us!

Stand fast in Christ - empowered by the Holy Spirit Don’t be entangled in false freedom, only to find yourself in bondage. Christ has made us free indeed – free to serve Him in all righteousness. (Paraphrased, Gal 5:1)

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