Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Holy Determination - Get It Today!

Jesus had a mission: He knew the purpose of His life and He refused to be swayed from that purpose. Though Jesus was fully human, He refused to take on the distractions that came from men’s ideas and mindsets. Jesus chose instead to give Himself fully to God’s plan and He kept Himself focused on fulfilling that plan in God’s way.

This is what Godly determination and spiritual tenacity do in us: they keep us focused first on God and His plans, and second on the avenue with which He desires us to accomplish His will.

Determination is a drive of the heart. It’s not something that comes from the head or it would be swayed with various trains of thought. Determination has made a decision and sees life’s purpose as the means for living out that decision.

Tenacity is a holy boldness that conquers the worst of resistance to the will of God. It’s a bulldozer when needed or a gentle word when needed – but its power lies in accomplishing the will of God at the expense of self preservation and self satisfaction. Tenacity is willing to give up popularity or comfort or anything that keeps the will of God from moving forward.

Men’s ideas and plans are like anchors to the will of God, but holy determination and tenacity are the super-human powers that push through the worst of men’s mindsets and insults and distractions. Determination and tenacity are empowerments of God that cause us to brush off the world and push heavenward to the glory of God.

“Now when they saw the boldness [holy tenacity and determination] of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they wondered; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” John 4:13

When we walk in His determination and tenacity, people will see that we have been with Jesus!

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