Saturday, March 1, 2014

Protect Your Kingship!

“I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet” (Ps 18:37-38).
King David was a mighty warrior whose enemies had in mind to overtake him and usurp the kingship God had appointed him to. But under God’s direction he annihilated every foe and gave glory to God.
David’s life presents a spiritual picture for us: we are to pursue the enemy and overtake him by first pursuing God and allowing Him to overtake us. The Psalms are full of David’s worshipful conversations with God and reveal that David’s first sword for battle was God’s word. It must be the same for us: we are to take up the Word as a sword and pursue the vices of the enemy in our lives.

Our enemies are not the people who stand in our way, nor the cookies on the counter-top, nor the sale that tempts us. Our enemies are the sinful desires and motives that lurk inside of us and manifest in our words and actions. Consuming our energies with efforts to change our circumstances is often a way to avoid submitting our hearts to God and allowing Him to free us through His Word and Spirit.

Vehemently pursue those things in your life which are against God. Destroy and annihilate the mindsets, desires and habits that are set against godliness in your life and don’t allow them to rise up again. They desire to steal your kingship and leave you powerless, but God calls you to take the sword of the Word and bring a swift end to those enemies of your soul.

The Word of God is a powerful, life-giving sword, much like a surgical instrument. It is able to penetrate deep into the soul of a man and purge the sinful desires and purposes of our hearts. This brings freedom and opens the door to the promised land of peace in Him (Heb.4:11-12 paraphrased).

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