Sunday, March 2, 2014

Full Steam Ahead!

If God directs you to do something that goes against your cultural standards can you do it? Can you lay aside comfort and pride and embarrassment and self-preservation and go full steam ahead without looking back to see how your neighbors view you? Can you pick up your cross and carry it to your proverbial Calvary?

Consider Hosea, who was directed by God to marry a prostitute as a picture of Israel’s harlotry against God. Or Ezekiel, who lay naked for months on one side then turned over to the other side, representing the years of sin of both Judah and Israel. Both of these men endured ridicule and shame from the very people they suffered for through God’s assignments. But God was with them: He continually spoke to them, directed them and empowered them.

When God calls us to a work he empowers us. He imbues us with His Spirit and anoints us with His holy oil to get the job done. He never leaves us or forsakes us and He provides all that’s needed to fulfill our purpose and His plans.

Don’t be afraid to step out. Lean into His unfailing love and wisdom and set your face like flint. Silence the voice of the nay-sayers by filling your spirit with the word of God - do not be moved by negativity! Keep your eyes single on the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him completely. Not only will you fulfill His purposes, you will find complete rest and joy in doing what He has created you to be and do!

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