Monday, March 3, 2014

Spirit and Truth?

“But the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” (John 4:23).

The Jews worshiped in Jerusalem and the Samaritan woman who Jesus met at the well worshiped on Mt. Gerazim, presumably where Abraham sacrificed Isaac. The Samaritans were concerned that they worship in the right location: like many ancient people they had superstition attached to worshiping where God had previously performed great miracles.

This can be seen today at times, also. People often believe there must be an appointed place where God comes and meets us in a magnificent way, so we rush to that place. But if God is meeting people in a particular place, it is likely because their hearts have met God before they arrived there - not because the location is especially anointed.

God is drawn to those who worship out of a spirit connection to Him, not because of a particular building or landmark or previous event which took place somewhere. When we know the truth of God through His word, and experience relationship with Him on a daily basis, we can worship him spirit to spirit at any location. Paul and Silas worshiped in Jail and an earthquake broke open the prison doors.

Jesus told the Samaritan woman that a time was coming when true worship to God would require no specific location. No one would be required to go to Jerusalem or to Mt. Gerazim, but WHEREVER two or three gather He will be in the midst of them. In fact, Jesus said “The Father wants such people to worship Him,” speaking of those who will not only connect to Him via His Spirit, but will live life as worship to Him.

Whether there be 3 or 5 or 500 of us, God is drawn to spirit to spirit worship and our solid understanding of the Truth of who He is. While we never want to forsake gathering in unified worship, we also can be assured that God will accept our worship even as we lift our hands to him during a morning shower!

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