Saturday, March 8, 2014

Is "Destiny" A Biblical Concept?

God knows the end of all things before they have begun. He’s laid out the history of the world as though it were a timeline on which he could see every person and event in one quick glance (Is 46, Heb 1). The Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world because, in the eyes of God, what is ordained at any given point on the timeline is already complete (Rev 13). In fact, much of prophecy in the Bible is spoken out as though it’s already happened, even though God is showing the prophet a picture of some future point on the timeline.

With this concept in mind, consider what your part is on God’s timeline. If you have known Christ for even a short period of time you should have a desire inside of you to do something to advance His kingdom for His glory. God knows exactly what that desire is because He put it in you. He created you for a specific purpose and knew the time and places you’d be living (Acts 17): you are an integral part of His plans that were laid out from the foundation of the world. You have a ‘destiny’ to fulfill, a point on the timeline that fits like a puzzle piece with the points and people around you.

The world sees destiny as a fulfillment of a personal desire through the use of one’s natural abilities, which is partly true. But as people of God our main concern is to fulfill God’s purpose for His glory, and in doing so we are completely fulfilled and satisfied as servants of the Most High God.

If we allow the attitude of the world to overtake us in trying to fulfill God’s purposes, we can slide into the arena of self promotion and self exaltation. If we sit on the gifts and talents He’s given us, holding back His grace and love which is extended through them, we may find ourselves hearing the same words as the unfaithful servant in Matt. 25.

Faithfulness to God is shown in developing our character through studying His word and fellowshipping with his Body, but it’s also shown in the way we handle the abilities and giftings He’s given us. We are responsible to develop them and give Him an honorable return on His investment: this is the destiny He’s given to all who call Him Lord!

“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began” Psa 139:16.

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