Friday, March 7, 2014

Wanted: Super Model!

Do the sins of the fathers and mothers come onto the next generation? Do the children pay the penalty for their father's sins?

Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for our sins; however, our children will suffer for our sins and the sins of our forefathers to the extent that we allow those sins to continue down our generational lines through our own lives. Our sins generally affect others around us, not only ourselves. Examining the life of an alcoholic, a person who regularly displays fits of rage or a drug addict brings this concept to light – the effects on the family of this person are astronomical.

We model life to our families and the people around us - modeling that life is our way of witnessing the love and life of Christ on a daily basis. We can teach others the way they should go, but if we don't live it ourselves we instill in them a hypocritical attitude and false image of Christ. This is great incentive to continually cleanse ourselves of sinful attitudes, actions and motives – the ‘little ones’ around us catch teaching that we don’t realize we’re presenting.

There is a way to break off every sin that tries to continue down your family line and establish itself in your children. This happens by developing a continual, daily, walk with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by making a concerted effort to join in fellowship with other believers who pray, teach you and speak the Word of God over you with great power and love, and by living through His Spirit for His glory. If Jesus Christ is your first priority – the rest of life’s concerns will take their place accordingly.

This is important not only for your family and loved ones, but for the world around you. You are not your own, you were bought with a price, the blood of Jesus Christ, that you would glorify Him as a witness to the world.

If you really want to know the fullness of life, the good life, know Jesus Christ and live life in extreme love and commitment to Him. There is nothing as fulfilling for either you or the family and friends you serve! This is the life of a ‘super model.’

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