Sunday, January 26, 2014

Put Away the Sword, Peter!

Have you ever experienced embarrassment and hurt at the hands of someone you trusted? And was the person a Christian?

The easiest thing to do in handling a circumstance like this is to expose the person's sin - usually as a means promoting our own innocence...mixed with some indignation. It's human nature that strikes out in this way, and a hurt ego can give it additional power.

But Joseph, the Virgin Mary's betrothed husband, had a different way of dealing with Mary's 'sin.' Considering the evidence, it would have been perfectly legal and acceptable for him to expose Mary publicly, and in fact, he could have insisted that she be stoned to death (Deut 22). However, Joseph is called 'a righteous man' who would not make a public example of her (Matt 1:19). This is how the righteousness (holiness and character of God) was displayed in Joseph: he refused to bring the punishment on Mary that was fit for what appeared to be her sin. In fact, he was pondering on how he could keep her from suffering public humiliation when an angel appeared to him in a dream, giving insight into her condition.

Here is God's heart in dealing with us - He gives great mercy and desires that we do the same. It's as He said to Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane: "Put the sword away, Peter. If you sow by the sword you will reap the destruction of the sword" (Matt. 26:52 paraphrased).

God is saying the same to us today: put away the sword, child. You will reap what you sow. If you sow grace and mercy you will reap a harvest of the same. If you sow harshness and vengeance you will be looking over your shoulder in constant fear of the same...and it will overtake you. What are you sowing?

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