Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bumper Bowling: Steady in Life's Lane!

The Bible calls us to ‘exhort’ one another every day. Exhorting includes encouraging, teaching, guiding, buffering, walking along side, comforting, propelling forward, recommending and advising. This describes the give and take relationship of fellowship in Christ.

Exhorting brings to mind the image of bumper bowling, where those we fellowship with are the bumpers which keep us steady on the lane of life in Christ. When we have this type of fellowship we will sometimes be the bumper and sometimes be the ball! This means we’re going to bump up against others – people we love and trust – and that’s exactly the way God intended this fellowship to work. Notice, however, that it’s a bump, not a beating! Those bumps should help us realize that we are loved - it’s an encouragement toward going in the right direction.

This give and take relationship is so important in the Body of Christ that we’re told not to forsake it or we’ll be in danger of becoming hardened to God and falling into the deceitfulness of sin (Heb. 3:13). That sin may not look like your idea of the worst sinner - it may be subtle and cunning in its twisting of ideas and turning of your heart away from the thoughts and purposes of God. That’s why it’s crucial to have relationship with other Christians who will be truthful, love you, and want to see you prosper in the plan of God for your life. And it’s just as important that you are able to provide this for others.

This is the life of Christ we bring to one another, as though we are blood vessels supplying oxygen and nutrients to the Body. This fellowship doesn’t come from attending a church service once a week-there has to be a willingness to give up the things of life that block intimate relationship with others. However, God commands us into this life, knowing that we are crafted for this and thrive in this fellowship.

Could your fellowship be more intimate and beneficial to you and others? It may be time to clean up the path that leads to that fellowship – remove the barriers and go forward.

“Let the Word of God dwell in you abundantly. This will overflow into encouraging songs and grace-filled words of wisdom for those in fellowship with you” (Col 3:16 paraphrased).

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