Friday, January 24, 2014

Calling Those Things Which Be Not.....

"Abraham, you are not just a father of nations, you are a father of MANY NATIONS! And Gideon, you're not only a farm hand for your father, you're a MIGHTY WARRIOR for the Lord and for Israel!"

When the Lord spoke these things Abraham had no children, and Gideon was hiding his grain in a wine press in fear of the Midianites. God came and spoke His will and destiny over them, spurring them on to see His purposes then take action at His direction.

God spoke of things which didn't exist in their lives as though these things had already happened and were visible to their eyes (Rom 4). But to God, who has laid out time as a line before His eyes, the end can be seen from the beginning: all things are already in existence and waiting for the specific moment of fulfillment. It's much like Jesus being slain before the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8) - it was already completed in God's eyes because He placed it on the timeline of eternity and saw it as completed. The earthly time of fulfillment was a matter of formality.

This is why it's important to get God's plan into your mind, will and emotions. We're not to speak cars and houses and material things into existence at our whims, that's not what this scripture is about. It's about God's destiny and plan for our lives as part of His kingdom and purposes; it's about encouraging us to live for Him and have singleness of mind on Him; it's about verbally laying down His footsteps that we would walk in His plan; it's about the destiny of a people called by His name; it's one person at a time fitting into His larger plan on the timeline of eternity.

Apply scripture wisely to your life, in the context that God intended it to be applied. This scripture is a powerful tool in our lives when used as He intended, but it can be a self serving form of modern day witchcraft when taken out of context. The soul of man is very powerful and will move the physical life of a person forward into what occupies it. This is why our souls must be occupied and preoccupied with the word and purposes of God.

You are an instrument of God's voice in this world. It's time to get God's direction in your life and speak it out! Call your children and spouse into His destiny. Use His plan as a prayer and proclamation over your life. Fulfill His purpose for His glory!

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