Thursday, January 9, 2014

Power from on High!

Paul told the Corinthians that he didn't want them to be destitute of help while they were waiting for the return of Jesus (1 Cor. 1:7). He was speaking of the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through each of us to assist one another. But he wasn't speaking only to the Corinthians, he was writing to you and I and all of those that would be here "until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Since 'the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ' hasn't yet happened, God's expectation is that we will continue to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. This means, of course, that we need to have the Spirit residing within us as impetus for operating in these gifts because they have to be directed by His Spirit (Acts 2, Joel 2). This is the great desire of God for the Church - that we be filled with His Spirit and empowered to be witnesses in our words and actions as a testimony of His love for all people!

Denying that these gifts are operative today is the work of the enemy - he would like nothing better than for us to set aside the help of God through these gifts so that we are left wondering and wandering helplessly. When these gifts are denied operation, the work of the Holy Spirit and the help of God falls on pastoral staff in the body of Christ. This takes power away from God's lay people and over-stresses leaders as 'go to' people for the entire body. However, part of a leader's responsibility is to guide the development and operation of these gifts in the body that we would minister effectively to one another (Eph 4:12).

Above the wonder of God's Spirit operating through us by His gifts is the fact that His love is extended to others when we submit to being used. We're even commanded to 'eagerly desire Spiritual gifts' that we could effectively bring the love of God to others (1 Cor 14:1). In fact, the gifts are ineffective if not inspired by love (1 Cor. 13) a noisy, clanging symbol.

The love of God also inspires us to draw close to Him and daily be sanctified so the gifts have a purified vessel through which to operate. It's a responsibility given by the Lord, to administer His love through His Spirit to a hurting world. Denying the work of the Spirit in this assignment is like going back under the OT law - trying to live and give the love of God through the flesh and a set of written guidelines - it's futile!

The promise of the Holy Spirit is for you, and your children, and those that are far off (distant ages and time and places). All those who want to be effective witnesses for the Kingdom of God are compelled to receive the promise! (Acts 2:39)

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