Saturday, January 11, 2014

How Much Do We Know?

Our insight into circumstances and other people's motives could probably be represented by the portion of the iceberg that's above water: what's seen is generally not all there is to know. Like the little boy who saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, we also may not completely understand what we are seeing! This is why our decision making processes are desperately in need of God's wisdom and insight.

This is one of the reasons we've been given the Holy Spirit, He's here to lead us into God's truth. He reveals what's needed that we would discern not by sight but by His Spirit. Our knowledge and understanding are not complete (1 Cor 13), but He has the treasures of wisdom and knowledge stored up for us and desires that we go to Him for revelation (Col 2:3).

The person who seems to purposely push your buttons, or the child you view as rebellious....God knows what's behind their words and actions. If we react to people based solely on their physical and verbal manifestations, we may find ourselves trying to battle a spiritual stronghold with human power. But if we seek God, He will give us needed insight ...and at the same time He may reveal something in our own hearts which requires repentance.

As you seek God for wisdom and insight stay open to the various ways He may speak. Pray, seek Godly counsel, stay in the Word and be open to how He may guide you. He often reveals things to us as we go about our daily lives: a song we hear, a magazine we pick up while waiting for an appointment or a quiet moment where a thought comes to us.

Some things are not for us to know. It's not our place to get the 'scoop' on people as opposed to seeking God's wisdom and revelation to fulfill His purposes. If our motives match God's, He can trust us with His revelation to the end that His will is accomplished and He is glorified.

To God be the glory!

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