Monday, January 13, 2014

Uniqueness: No Excuse for Conflict!

The Word tells us we're formed in the manner of a clay pot: crafted by the Potter's hands, no two exactly alike (Is 64:8). In fact, the Bible encourages unity in the Body while at the same time promoting uniqueness. While expounding on the gifts of the Spirit, Paul tells us these gifts have innumerable possibilities in the way they manifest because of the uniqueness of each person's make-up (1 Cor 12).

However, the uniqueness of each person cannot be used as an excuse to stop up the process of sanctification - becoming more Christlike. If you find yourself struggling to get along with others from circumstance to circumstance or place to place, chances are you're not operating in uniqueness but out of an un-renewed mind and soul, keeping you from understanding God's ways. God is not into confusion and conflict in the Body of Christ, but the unity that comes from Christ-likeness in each of us.

You may have been hurt by the Body at some of the places you've attended, or you may have had numerous people part from your leadership over and over for the same reason...if either is the case, it's time to step back and ask the Lord what is causing this. What is in your heart and mind that causes the same circumstance to occur repeatedly?

If you want to move forward in the Lord and fulfill His will and destiny in your life, you have to get rid of the baggage of mindsets that have kept you back. You have to put offenses under your feet, forgive people, get into the Word and renew your mind toward greater sanctification! This rids us of our mindsets and gives us the mind of Christ.

Ask yourself, "is it more important to protect my pride and live with a trail of relationship casualties, or to forgive, seek God and live at peace in the Body of Christ?" If the answer is the latter, He is ready, willing and able to carry you through the process of renewing your heart and mind toward greater Christ-likeness.

As you seek Him, you will be renewed and recreated in the spirit of your minds (your thought processes); you are putting on the new self, the one created according to God's likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth. (paraphrased Eph 4:23-24)

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