Tuesday, January 7, 2014

This is NOT the end!

This is NOT the end!

For anyone who's been condemned by others, or been told their not going to be used of God again, or who's made mistakes and wants to go forward, GOD IS NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!! He may alter your direction, He may make some changes, He may require something of you...but I can tell you that He's NOT DONE WITH YOU!

The Bible is about the God who redeems people at their lowest points. People like Saul, who thought He was serving God by murdering Christians. Jesus met him on the road to Damascus and declared Saul's Kingdom assignment, and just to make sure he didn't align himself with that old life, God changed his name to Paul. One day Paul was killing Christians and the next he became the apostolic father of the church!

What about David, who murdered a man to cover his adulterous affair. He was called 'the king after God's heart,' but he committed a sin that wreaked havoc on his family and the entire nation of Israel. He had consequences, but God didn't remove him from his position as King.

The fact is that people who love God sin: we are human. These men sinned, but God brought them out of it because they had an ear to hear Him when He corrected them, a heart that turned to God's voice and repented, and a willingness to PUSH THROUGH THE PAST and look to God's future.

God is reaching out to take hold of you, inundate you with His Spirit, and use you for His glory. That may be in a king's capacity or in a Sunday school room, that's God's decision. What He's looking for is a person who will turn from being stiff necked to being pliable in His hand; the person who has misplaced zeal and tenacity that He can redeem to power His Kingdom.

Consider this a wake up call! It's time to turn down the road to change. It's time to turn away from the past and look to His future! With God, 'the end' becomes 'the new beginning'...let this be your year of new beginnings!

To God be the glory!

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