If you wear glasses you know how the world
looks through them when they're dirty....like your walking in a
smogosphere. The same concept applies to computer and cell phone
screens - when extra punctuation and little animals appear it's a clear sign to clean the screen.
A similar thing happens to us when our thought processes are skewed by
our experiences: we see life through a dirty lense. When these thought
processes are established in our lives they are called 'mindsets' or
'strongholds.' These mindsets are rooted in the experiences in life
that the enemy has brought about and they are meant to add to, take away
from, or alter the understanding of God's Word and the operation of the
Spirit in our lives.
Mindsets can skew the word of God, making
it more of a weapon or excuse rather than an instrument of love and
grace. People who have been raised in an atmosphere of harsh judgement
might hone in on disciplinary scenarios in the Bible and apply these as
answers to every problem. Those who have grown up with false ideas of
marriage may see scripture as supporting a slave/master relationship
rather than an example of Christ and His bride, the Church.
What's born out of a mindset is an improper motive. A motive is that
which influences us to act the way we do or that which induces feelings
leading to words and actions (Dictionary.com). When our motives are
consistently self focused, or set on getting a person or circumstance
under our control as opposed to reconciling all things to God through
His Spirit, then we are likely operating in a mindset.
greatest weapons against mindsets are deliverance, washing of the water
of the Word, prayer, mentoring, speaking the truth in love, and great
grace! Not simply one of these, but all of them as the Spirit directs.
When a person is controlled by a mindset the enemy has usurped the
leading of the Holy Spirit - but a Spirit led believer can be an
instrument to bring God's freedom to a person held captive by a mindset.
We are people who have been bought out of the slavery of mindsets into
the glorious freedom of Christ! Be washed by the Word and led by His
Spirit that you may walk in His freedom!
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